What does Kirishima think of you?

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Aquarius: I have loads of fun training with them and they're quirk is so cool!

Aries: That one time we watched the Grudge, I've been traumatised ever since. Aries has been my therapist since then.

Taurus: I wonder if they like ice cream... *blushes*

Cancer: Sero talks to them when the Bakusquad hangs out, and you can TELL he likes them! Wouldn't be suprised, they're awesome!

Gemini: They appreciate my crocs. They are like the only person who UNDERSTANDS ME!

Leo: Them and Uraraka quote my FAVOURITE VINES! The other day, Denki tripped and threw his bottle all over them, and they screamed, "THIS IS WHY MOM DOESN'T F*CKING LOVE YOU!" And I pretty much died laughing.

Virgo: They joined in when the Bakusquad were having a water fight and they pummelled Sero in the face with their quirk, I have not laughed as much as I did since then.

Libra: They're so calm, but can be so badass! They train every day. I swear. They are so strong but still considerate, and I enjoy spending time with them every now and then.

Scorpio: Shares their endless supply of sweets with me, and I swear they're sugar high.

Sagittarius: Bakugo definitely likes them. I can SEE IT! I DON'T CARE, I SHIP IT!

Capricorn: Badass! Her moves are freaking cool! But she is like a mother, and follows rules as severely as Iida does.

Pisces: You DON'T want to get punched by them when their quirk is activated, because Mineta literally flew out of the sky.

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