What does Tamaki think of you?

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Aquarius: I talk to them a lot since Nejire always drags me along everywhere so I see them loads, and I like it that way. They are so cheerful and can really put a smile on your face.

Aries: I like how they can handle their quirk and use it to protect their friends. I haven't talked to them much, I would like to but I'm afraid.

Taurus: I like how they don't really fit into a stereotype, they are their own person, and that's what I can admire about them.

Cancer: They are polite and funny. I like talking to them.

Gemini: Scary.... but in the overprotective way. They're okay to be honest, but their earphones don't really work, I can still hear their music when I walk past them. It's either that or they just listen to it really loud.

Leo: They are very heart warming, they can always cheer me up.

Virgo: Please don't leave me! *clings to leg*

Libra: Fellow Kitten. They are respectful and quiet so they are easier to approach and talk to. And they give nice hugs.

Scorpio: I admire their strength, Nejire does too.

Sagittarius: I-um.. im going over here now *hides in corner* h-have a good day...

Capricorn: *boop* *runs away*

Pisces: Understated and calm but easy to talk to and really understanding.

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