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The signs all go out together on a shopping spree! What do y'all do?

Gemini and Sagittarius run off to the smoothie stalls and buy huge cups of their favourite flavour.
Pisces, Taurus and Cancer race to the pet shop to go see the animals. Libra is dragged along where they are bombarded with puppies, kittens and budgies. Taurus's camera roll was filled with hilarious and adorable pictures of Libra and their new friends. Pisces and Cancer go to see the tropical fish and reptiles and end up leaving with an adorable little bearded dragon!
Scorpio goes to the jewellery shop and buys the sapphire necklace they'd seen on the website.
Capricorn, Aquarius and Leo go to dozens of clothes shops and buy loads of hoodies, leggings and accessories. Leo and Virgo goof off in fancy dress shops, scaring kids with dinosaur outfits and feather scarves while riding on tiny unicorn rocking-horses.

Once the signs have all had their fun, they all meet back in the food hall and get noodles, curry, sweets, ramen, soup, slushies and loads more.

Leo and Libra then run ahead, pointing out a line of anime shops!
Aquarius bursts through the door of the first shop, then covers Libra and Pisces's cinnamon roll eyes, body pillows and awkward posters were all over the place.
"Oh god lets go somewhere else!" Leo gasps.

They all run to the next one, Taurus and Virgo go to the manga shelves to see any new ones they'd like to read.
Aries stays looking at the figurines with Cancer and Scorpio.
"Why is Levi so goddam expensive!?" Scorpio whines.

Libra, Aquarius and Gemini look at the plushies.
"Oh my god Aquarius you can't get all of them!" Gemini snorted.
Libra started laughing hysterically with Aries as they came through the door frame.

"Hey let's get a photo!" Leo calls.
Virgo and Pisces peace sign next to Leo who was in the middle.
Libra was in front of them doing a Junko pose.
Aries, Aquarius, Taurus and Capricorn hold up their plushies while sticking their tongues out.
Gemini, Scorpio and Cancer were in the back, Scorpio giving Cancer a piggy-back while Gemini did bunny ears over Aquarius's head. Sagittarius wore meme glasses and did a High School Musical jump in the corner, making Aries laugh.

Moments later, the Bakusquad photobombed the eighth picture. Sagittarius and Gemini chase after Sero and Denki while Bakugo did his handshake with Virgo while Mina jumped on Libra and Kirishima went to Aries and hugged them.

They all went to Capricorn's house where they....


I hope you enjoyed this little story! It's getting dangerously close to the 200 chapter limit so I thought I'd do something different! And for you asking, yes, I will maybe continue this Zodiac book into a second story!

We hope you enjoyed this! And thank you so much for reading this story! Wildfire will be doing a face reveal on the 200th chapter so look out for that!

Yep, and I'm scared xD

Anyway, see you soon.

Wildfire and Puppet xx

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