What does Todoroki think of you?

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Aquarius: They seem nice, Denki definitely likes them.

Aries: Really full-on, and kind of bold.

Taurus: They're ok, but they do talk a lot.

Cancer: I don't really know them, but Libra talks about how they admire them so I guess they are pretty nice.

Gemini: Tsuyu tells me a lot about them, they seem pretty close, so I think that they are going to be a really thoughtful Hero one day.

Leo: They're the motherly friend in the friend group.

Virgo: I don't talk to them that much, but they are respectful.

Libra: We hang out a lot and I really trust them. *smiles sheepishly*
They are always there for me when I need them. I got so pissed when Mineta tried to look up their skirt.

Scorpio: I'd like to get to know them, but Tsuyu and Mina are constantly talking to them, but I enjoy our short conversations.

Sagittarius: Needs to calm down a bit, and maybe have less sugar. They're amount of energy can't be healthy, can it? Is it natural?

Capricorn: Very responsible. I wouldn't be surprised if they were related in some way to Iida.

Pisces: Midoriya enjoys their company, and they are quite chatty, but as long as they don't go on a rant about something, I'm happy that they are talkative.

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