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"They won't notice, I promise." Karlie reassured Taylor, beckoning her to join her by the front door.

"They are passing by the house, we can jump right in."

It was the day of the Pride Parade, and the emotions were palpable in the air as many a proud member passed by, screaming with enthusiasm.

"Are you absolutely sure? We are famous..."

Karlie leaned in and bumped her shoulder against Taylor's.

"Relax." She fished her purse for something. "Do you trust me?"

Taylor gave her best friend a serious look. How could something like that even come up as a question? Karlie, seeing her reaction, simply spread her lips in that enchanting supermodel smile.

"Cover your eyes." Taylor did.

She felt a breath of air against her skin peppered with something like snow.

"Alright. You look like a member of the parade now." Karlie offered Taylor her phone to use as a mirror. Taylor's face was covered with glitter but for her eyes.

"If all else is kept natural we might pass... Let me do you." Taylor demanded Karlie hand her over the offending object.

Karlie readily closed her eyes but was surprised when she felt gentle touch against her skin. Decisive and precise, Taylor's fingertips have left Karlie's face stripped with glitter.

"We have to be at least a little different." Taylor explained. Hastily, she added some glimmering lip gloss, afraid the burning Sun might cause cracks.

"Sounds like we are ready to move. Let's join in."

They cracked open the front door, peeking like cartoon characters. There were no parade guards right by their steps.

Quick and quiet, the two blended instantly. They both wore simple white sleeveless tops and rainbow painted shorts.

"Woooooo." Karlie raised her voice to join in the surrounding calls, already waving left and right at passers-by.

Completely in her element... She's amazing.

Taylor had some reservations about showing off her vocal cords... It is not like she was afraid to be caught supporting the cause, she was very glad more people were participating every year, but today was a special day when both Karlie and her had a day off...

Karlie didn't let Taylor feel torn for long.

"Here, use this." She handed Taylor a whistle. Taylor laughed.

"You read my mind." The whistle was met with the full power of Taylor's lung capacity.

More whistlers joined in until it sounded like a quire.

From somewhere nearby, ever louder music was shaking the air.

"I can't belie...TAYLOR LOOK!"

Karlie dragged her to a moving live dancing squad, preforming a familiar routine, and to a familiar tune.

"...Look what you made me do...Look what you just made me do..."

"Sunshine!" Taylor gasped, grabbing for the back of Karlie's top. Too late.

Supermodel Karlie Kloss took the stage and started to dance in rhythm with the troop.

"I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams..." more of the audience was inspired to join in until it was like a two-wave dance party, with half being in slight delay.

Taylor was torn between drinking in the unique scene, and filming it for Karlie to see later...

In the end, she couldn't take her eyes of Karlie for the entirety of the show.

The screams of joy and support filed the air with a ferocity of a lion's roar once the music stopped.

Taylor quickly dragged Karlie away to have her for herself.

"That was so intense! I can't believe you just did that!"

They both laughed, enjoying the private moment.

"And they use my music..." Taylor was touched.

"Nothing could make this better." Karlie announced. Taylor's eyes sparkled as she noticed an extra-large rainbow flag passing them.

Grabbing Karlie, Taylor dove in the center of the flag, effectively obscuring them from sight.

The moment passed. So did the flag. Karlie, however, was still locked in Taylor's arms. She tasted strawberry on her lips and smelled Taylor's calming vanilla perfumed lotion.

They were caught in the center of the parade, but blissfully unaware of it.

"I'm glad you led me out for this..." Taylor reached for Karlie's hand, and Karlie locked their pinkies together.

"With you... Always."

Moments {Kaylor}Where stories live. Discover now