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Taylor had no words, her cords were repetitive, playing with piano keys did nothing to help her. She has been like this since she released her last album. Nothing moved her and her own voice was just white noise to her ears.
"Burnout" was it?

A bell rang out through her place, echoing off walls. Taylor barely managed to talk herself into answering the door.

"Hey Tay. It's meee."
Taylor let Karlie in and immediately allowed her body to lean against the smiling girl.
Karlie hugged her.
"What's wrong?"
Karlie frowned, not believing "nothing" was wrong.
"Really, no thing's wrong" Taylor defended. "one big nothing." her hands indicated everywhere and everything.

After a few moments of pondering Karlie decided: "Let's go out for ice cream."
"In Winter?"
Taylor couldn't understand what her friend was thinking.
"Alright." she budged "but only if I can just throw a onsie over this and go." Taylor indicated the pjs she was wearing.
Karlie laughed and nodded. As Taylor walked away she noticed Karlie was typing something lightning-fast into her phone.
It was probably none of her business, she decided.

"So. Are you maybe ready to talk?" Karlie eyed Taylor with hope.
Taylor didn't look up from her wonderfully stacked cup of ice cream and nuggat, but didn't eat much of it either.
"I'm sorry. It's not you, I'm just feeling... Stuck... Cornered with nowhere to go." Taylor sighed. Was it anyone else she would put on a bright smile and bleed herself dry trying to act as if everything is as it should be. But this was Karlie. Taylor smiled to herself. She could be real around Karlie.
"Need help with yours?" Karlie leaned across the table to have some of Taylor's cup and Taylor pushed it to the middle of the table.
"Yes, it's huge."

They downed it slowly in silence, but it was not uncomfortable. Just two girls, eating ice cream and occasionally sighing.

"Let's go back" Karlie decided and got up to take care of the bill.
Taylor simply nodded and got ready to go home.

"WHAT?..." Taylor stood in the doorway, wide-eyed. Her piano, her guitars, her this-and-thats were all in a very wrong room. Karlie giggled behind her friend's back. Finally getting some louder reactions out of Taylor who went in to inspect the room where the things were when she last left them.
Two men greeted her and offered her a hazard suit like what you would expect an alien wonders inspecting scientist to wear.
"Come on." Karlie ushered Taylor and jumped into the rubber boots, allowing the men help her into the hazard suit.
Dumbstruck, Taylor followed her lead, unsure what to think.

The men let themselves out, leaving the two rocket-scientists alone.
"They left gifts for us... THINK FAST." Karlie threw a small orb containing mint liquid at Taylor who screamed, shielding her face with her arms.
The orb burst, covering Taylor's suit in mint paint.
Karlie could practically see wheels turning in Taylor's head.

"YOU ARE CRAZY!" Taylor screamed while locating several large buckets filled to the brim with paint-filled balloons.

Protection foil covering the flooring almost made her slip as Karlie landed another blow, laughing menacingly.

Taylor grabbed a pink balloon and missed Karlie's head by an inch, hitting her pure white, unprotected walls.

It was too late now and Karlie decided to add a bright yellow explosion next to Taylor's pink.

"You absolute lunatic, that's my wall you are painting!"
Taylor tried her best to keep up with Karlie's evasion tactics.

"HA HA!" she finally landed a violet hit right across Karlie's chest.
"Need some more blue, Taylor?" the look in Karlie's eyes made Taylor cover behind the buckets.
"You scared, kitty cat?" Karlie closed the gap and almost managed to land a hit on Taylor's shoulder but it missed and hit the wall.

Taylor's blood was flooded with adrenalin as she spun on her heel, hitting Karlie straight in the face. She managed to land two more hits before Karlie managed to clear her visor.

The girls went after each other relentlessly until they both ended up panting and sprawled out on the floor.

Karlie rolled over and under a layer of paint of Taylor's visor, she saw a wide smile. Satisfied, Karlie grinned.

It took several days for the paint to properly set in but once it did and all was in it's place again Taylor loved the abstract masterpiece Karlie and she created.

"Thank you, Karlie." she hugged her friend tight.
"It looks interesting, doesn't it?" Karlie hugged back, she looked over Taylor's now much more colorful work room.

"It was just what I needed."
"I'm glad."

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