Green eyes (part 1)

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It was the time of Karlie's life.
She was listening to Taylor sing and play guitar just for the two of them.

Karlie felt her heart fill to the brim with every cord, with every line they sang together. They were connected, they were one.

Slowly, the tune of Taylor's guitar trailed off. Karlie looked up from where she was laying beside her on the bed.

"Tay?" she asked, getting only a tired Humm of an answer.

A thought crossed Karlie's mind. She read somewhere people tend to be more open and honest when they are tired. This was one of the reasons she liked quiet hours with Taylor, when the weight of sleep is just a snap of one's fingers away from engulfing them. She knew it was real. This honest connection they shared.

Like a soft, familiar blanket it covered their bodies.
Taylor put the guitar away and snuggled up to Karlie.
"I love you." she said so casually.
"I love you too." Karlie replied and ran her fingers slowly through Taylor's hair.

In the end, sleep overcame them.

It was early morning when they awoke. Sunshine just barely reaching the horizon. Karlie stretched in bed and Taylor clung to her.
"uuuaaaahh, five more minutes... Don't go." Taylor yawned.
"I have to TayTay... Or else I'll be seen again and people will go crazy over analysing pictures of me leaving like a phantom of the opera." Karlie said, cupping Taylor's cheek.
She was so beautiful and pure. Karlie could not ask for the better start of her day.
"We'll get you a wig or something and pretend you are the mailmaaan..." the sleepy princess whined.
"Maybe next time." Karlie kissed the tip of Taylor's nose and left her to roll over pillows some more.

Today their plan was to meet at the market if they had some time to spend together, getting groceries... Taylor had to be seen with... Him.
"It's only out of necessity. Only for show." Taylor always assured her.
Karlie sighed and dressed as unassuming as she could and got going.

A touch on the hand... That sparkling smile... Moves so well practiced they seemed too real.
Karlie's grip on the milk bottle had the plastic give way. She bit the inside of her cheek as she followed Taylor out of the corner of her eye.
Did Taylor see her? Did she know she was watching?

There were employees presenting a new type of yogurt just down the aisle.
Taylor spoon fed him, giggling like a schoolgirl.
Karlie's stomach turned and her heart stopped, she could swear it did. Like a scene in slow motion, Taylor's eyes looked right through Karlie as if she weren't there. A ghost.
Was that all she was to her?
Karlie felt anger rushing through her veins.
This is not your Taylor. This was for show... She kept telling herself.

He smiled and gave Taylor a taste of the yogurt, a quick and playful peck on her lips.

Karlie couldn't move, she couldn't think clearly. She wanted to cry out so much it hurt.

Then... They turned towards her and walked. Karlie searched frantically through her shopping basket as if she could calm herself pushing the groceries around.

Taylor will be passing by her in a moment. If she doesn't figure out it's her... he will have her for a day instead.
Karlie stepped backwards just enough to lightly bump Taylor's shoulder.
She turned. She saw Karlie. But then the flashes started... Cameras at the aisle's end.

Karlie wanted to screen at them, throw off this ruse...
Taylor met her eyes.
"I'm sorry." she mouthed and looked away.

No... Damn the cameras... Damn this world... Taylor...

But Taylor walked away, hand in hand with him...


If you like my writing check out:

Never Spring - Recently started short story of a girl that doesn't quite fit in.

Home together - A young woman has a new vampire roommate.

I want you - A smutty Mass effect fanfic.

Dream fairy - Wacky magical one-shot.

Ghost cat - Accompany a ghost of a cat waiting for a new family member.

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