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Thunder was rolling and the skies flashed, illuminating everything in Taylor's room.

She knew it was coming, the storm, they said so on the forecast. Taylor prepared for this. Candles if the power was to go out, bottles of water in case there is damage to the plumbing, some food that doesn't need refrigerating...

Taylor was prepared; but to no avail.

So many things could go wrong while nature's wrath was unchained.

A lightning struck somewhere outside her window and Taylor covered herself whole with the cozy blanket and squeezed the plush pegacorn, Villanelle, that she got as a comforting gift from Karlie. She was barely containing the scream that was feeding off her fear.

"I'm safe, this is all under control.

I'm safe.

I have it under control."

Taylor chanted to herself.

Another lightning struck... This time Taylor's scream bounced off the walls of her room, clear and primal, straining her vocal cords.

The rumble outside continued, and Taylor was trying to catch her breath...

Between her shallow breaths, there was a sound.

"Ding dong, ding dong..." It was her front door.

Very slowly, Talyor got out of her bed, dragging the blanket and Villanelle with her.

'Ding Dong Ding Dong..."

"Alright alright!" Taylor called, waddling faster. Good thing about storms, the only good thing as far as Taylor was concerned, was that the paparazzi wouldn't bother her.

She got to the door and peeped through the hole.

It was Karlie.

Taylor opened the door as fast as she could to greet her friend...

"Hey, I know yo....ouff" Karlie was interrupted by a tight embrace from Taylor. With a light chuckle, Karlie hugged back and lifted Taylor off the floor.

This surprised Taylor, but in a pleasant way. She felt Karlie's warmth around her. They lingered for a moment... The front door slamming shut behind them.

"So, can I come in?" Karlie asked as an afterthought and was then dragged all the way to Taylor's room without another word.

"Come on." Taylor demanded Karlie join her on her bed.

Another lightning struck. Taylor screamed, and Karlie rushed to her, hugging her again.

"It's alright. I'm here. You are alright." She comforted her, smoothing down Taylor's hair.

They both moved and got settled on the bed, holding each other.

"Did I tell you the story of the princess and the dragon?" Karlie asked and Taylor shook her head against Karlie's chest.

"This won't do." Karlie sighed, she continued to stroke Taylors hair.

"Once upon a time, there was a village. It was by all means an ordinary place with ordinary people daily going about their business. However, there was a girl growing up there. She was the most beautiful angel one could see, with long blonde hair and curious blue eyes. "

Taylor giggled softly. This description could belong to either of them. Karlie smiled, and continued.

"She was so well loved that everyone gave her their best smiles and called her 'Princess'"

"But every so often..." Karlie lowered her voice "There were flashes and roars from the nearby forest, scaring all the villagers and keeping them from heading that way."

"But not Princess?" Taylor asked.

"Not Princess." Karlie confirmed "She wanted to know what the fuss was all about. So the next time the flashes illuminated the sky above the forest she packed her things and sneaked out of her home, determined to get to the bottom of this."

Just as Karlie voiced, thunder and lightning painted their shadows against the wall behind them.

Taylor snuggled closer to Karlie, making her reposition herself until Taylor was resting her head against the nook of Karlie's shoulder.

Once both were comfortable, Karlie continued her tale.

"Princess got into the forest and followed the roaring thunder until she stumbled upon a most amazing sight. She stood there, amidst a small clearing, looking up... And there it was... A dragon!"

Taylor gasped

"It's scales dark as night, and it's voice a thunder. Princess hesitated, but gathered all her courage to call out: 'Dragon, Dragon, come on down.'" Karlie started to stroke Taylor's hair again as the sounds from the outside threatened to destroy their peace.

"And come down the Dragon did, amazed by the creature who dared to interrupt his song."

"'I am sorry I come unannounced so, but my village quivers scared before your song. Is there a way for you to sing, but not strike the land my parents work?' she asked the Dragon."

Hearing no reacting from Taylor, Karlie continued.

"'It is in my nature to sing, but I can wait for the darkest night to illuminate the sky.' The Dragon told the Princess this and wondered of her reply.

'Thank you kindly, I will spread the word, not to fear your voice but follow so even in the deepest night come home they safely will.'"

"'In return I ask this: visit me every darkest night and help me not strike down the land.' To this request the Princess bowed, the bargain struck she returned home to spread the tale of a Dragon most kind."

The only sound left outside was the soft pitter patter of raindrops against glass. Karlie could feel Taylor was completely relaxed against her.

"So on the darkest night Princess came and helped the Dragon sing his song, striking the earth no more but lightning catching each other above, spreading across the sky in tiny lights shimmering and softer their sound. And with that the village jumped for joy, seeing the first ever firework show." Karlie finished, turning her head to the side, ready to ask for Taylor's opinion.

What she saw was the greatest compliment one could ask, Taylor slept soundly in her arms, ever as the storm still roared outside.

Karlie smiled and kissed Taylor's forehead.

"Good night Princess."

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