Rain (Warning! Mature content)

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They were out when it happened... The first harsh rain of Fall. It smelled like a forest and felt like brushes of invisible fairy hands.

"Wait, I have it somewhere..." Karlie rummaged through her bag but there was no stopping Taylor.

Laughing, she ran out into the rain, letting herself get all wet and jumping into growing puddles. Karlie observed her child-like glee and dropped all her things.

The sensations caught her all at once, Taylor splashing her, turning in front of her like a ballerina and playing with droplets in flight.

Karlie grabbed Taylor and danced with her. Nothing could stop them and they didn't care who saw them. It was a space of their own, right there in the middle of all the world that avoided them.

Not long has passed until they were skipping together to Taylor's.

Laughing they dropped all of their stuff on the way to the bedroom.

"We need neew outfits..." Taylor rummaged through her closet. Karlie stood, stunned. Taylor's body was stretched right in front of her, only obscured by a see-through rain soaken colorful dress.

Blood rushed to her face, but she didn't look away. She couldn't. Long limbs were throwing items of clothing onto the bed and raising on tiptoes, allowing Taylor to reach the highest shelves.

With a sudden rush of emotion, Karlie embraced Taylor into a tight hug.

"Kar?" Taylor slowly returned the hug. Both were still wearing the drenched clothes and Karlie reached to Taylor's dress' zipper.

"Kar?" Taylor repeated but Karlie just locked eyes with her. Taylor forgot what she was finding unusual, lost in Karlie's gorgeous eyes. The blue, giving to green in places. A mysterious mosaic that was drawing Taylor in and she felt like the only person in Karlie's world.

She didn't feel the dress slip, only the smack of wet clothes hitting the floor broke her from this little fantasy. Taylor tried to move away...but Karlie wouldn't let her and Taylor gave in under soft, but determined touch.

Karlie's hands slowly moved to rest on Taylor's hips. Meeting Karlie's eyes again, Taylor worked to rid Karlie of her drenched shirt.

"Tay..." Karlie whispered, closing her eyes. She enjoyed the slight brush of Taylor's nimble fingers over her shoulders.

Karlie brought them closer again as she was freed of unneeded layers. Both could feel every twist and groove of each other. It was a warm, comfortable luxury. Karlie took a step forward and Taylor backed away willingly, only stopping when her back touched the cold wall. She winced.

"Sorry." Karlie immediately apologized and rubbed Taylor's back up and down to warm her again. Taylor observed Karlie for a moment before placing her palm to the small of Karlie's back and pulling her into an embrace again, effectively trapping herself between the wall and Karlie's warm body.

"Cold cold cold...." Taylor whined.

"You did it youse...eemmm" Karlie was cut off by Taylor's kiss, demanding and fierce, as if she has been wanting this for longer she'd admit. Karlie leaned into Taylor and pressed her more against the wall. She returned the kiss, leaving no feelings held back. It might as well been Winter around them, but they were caught into each other. Taylor jumped slightly and Karlie caught her thighs, earning herself a lengthy moan. Karlie slid her fingertips over Taylor's burning skin and felt her shiver at the touch. She almost dropped her when Taylor nibbled lightly on Karlie's ear.

Karlie raised Taylor up and carried her over to the bed where she dropped her and peppered Taylor's belly with kisses and scratches from her nails. Taylor had no objections and opened herself fully to Karlie's touch.

Karlie swallowed and slid her lips to Taylor's side, nibbling and sucking encouraged by Taylors caught breaths, hand entangled in Karlie's soft hair.

Finally Karlie draped herself over Taylor with no room for anything but them.

"Karlie..." Taylor moaned, biting her lip. Karlie smiled and kissed Taylor, so gently yet so completely. Taylor sought out and found Karlie's hands, intertwining their fingers. Karlie pressed Taylor's arms into the pilled up clothes getting resistance back from Taylor. She broke the kiss to ask if Taylor was alright...and was caught unprepared when Taylor spun them around so Karlie found herself under Taylor with a puzzled expression on her face. Taylor laughed, sound like wind-chimes to Karlie's ears. She observed Taylor, enchanted by her smile, her red lips, her perfect smooth skin, the halo of golden hair...

Taylor hunched over her and whispered into her ear: "I'll take it you are enjoying the view."

If there was any blood left elsewhere, it now surged into Karlie's cheeks who tried to hide her face in the side of the bed. Fruitless effort as Taylor left kisses down Karlie's ear, her cheek, her jaw...

Karlie couldn't help the sounds of pleasure escaping her lips as Taylor kissed her neck, paying special attention to the place Karlie's neck met her shoulder. Karlie knew this feeling... Taylor was marking her, but Karlie dared not move, she wanted this... She never knew how much she wanted this...

"I hear you are enjoying this...I guess..." Taylor chose a new spot and just as before, Karlie obediently waited, panting, moaning, squeezing Taylor's hands.

Taylor then slowly moved further and further... Karlie knew Taylor would stop if she protested, she knew this, and so much more about Taylor. She treasured every touch she was gifted.

Taylor let go of Karlie's hands which immediately sought out other parts of Taylor, brushing her shoulders, trailing her arms...

This was enough.

Karlie lifted herself up, alarming Taylor.

"Karlie? Is everything alright?" she asked but Karlie started kissing her, swift and hard, as if she feared she won't have enough time to show Taylor all her affection.

Taylor gave in and pressed back just as hard, they found a rhythm and didn't stop until they were starved for air. They both then took a moment, gasping and holding each other.

Karlie then climbed further onto the bed, shoving off all the clothes, Taylor followed her every move. Karlie turned her chest, so did Taylor, their little dance ending up with Taylor's head on the pillow and Karlie's mouth on Taylor's neck.

"Sunshine.." Taylor softly sang for her and Karlie felt her heart leap to the heavens and back. She planted kisses all over Taylor, and then, she licked Taylor's exposed nipple, Taylor responded loudly and Karlie continued, licking and sucking lightly, carefully. She massaged the other breast. So soft and ductile...

Karlie declined lower, and lower... Once she was between Taylor's outstretched legs, she kissed the inner side of her thighs.

"Is it alright, Princess?"

"Yes! Yes, please..." Taylor looked away from Karlie's intense gaze.

Soon she felt Karlie's tongue between her thighs and cried out in pleasure. Karlie rewarded each hitched breath, each cry, each moan...

Taylor felt pleasure build up inside her, undeniable and uncontainable...

"Sunshine..." she cried out just before disintegrating into a river of moans.

As Taylor was calming down, Karlie got up and lay down next to Taylor, snuggling into her side like a cat.

Still catching her breath, Taylor turned her head to look at Karlie. Her hand went and cupped Karlie's face and Karlie melted into it.

With a wry smile, Karlie sang: "You're my, my, my ,my..."

"Lover..." Taylor replayed.


If you like my writing check out:

Never Spring - Recently started short story of a girl that doesn't quite fit in.

Home together - A young woman has a new vampire roommate.

I want you - A smutty Mass effect fanfic.

Dream fairy - Wacky magical one-shot.

Ghost cat - Accompany a ghost of a cat waiting for a new family member.

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