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"Come in, come in." Taylor grabbed Karlie's hand and led her into what is usually the living room. But tonight, it has their sleepover camp.

"Woah, you really did this by yourself?" Karlie let Taylor guide her through the room, showing off the new and improved features.

"Notice fairy lights shaped like ghoooosts." Taylor wailed. Indeed, bookshelves were lined with intricately crafted ghosts giving off a somewhat dulled yellow light.

Karlie walked closer to inspect them and saw that where the lights missed a spot a scented candle took it's place.

Sandalwood and vanilla mixed together as Karlie turned. Right in the center of the room was the biggest pillow fort Karlie ever saw.

"They say..." Taylor whispered in Karlie's ear "The one who knocks the fort down will be cursed..."

"I will be careful, I promise." Karlie quickly kissed Taylor's cheek and leaped away before Taylor had a chance to retort. She inspected the un-carved pumpkins in the room's corner, the idea was to carve them together she was guessing.

Taylor was still on Karlie's heel to provide intent behind the framed gradient of leaves, an orange curtain closing off another section of the room, silvery treads shaping a spiderweb here and there...

"There are so many wondrous places in your kingdom, Princess." Karlie curtsied and Taylor placed her hands on her hips, displeased.

"I am a white witch." She pouted.

"Oh, please pardon my confusion, Enchantress." Karlie begged and Taylor waved her off.

"Either way, come on." Taylor pulled the orange curtain back and ushered Karlie in where she found two seats facing each other across a small table.

"Wow! A crystal ball!" Karlie picked up a glowing orb which went out the moment it was taken off its pedestal. "Oups." Karlie quickly placed it back.

Taylor laughed and sat in one of the chairs, Karlie took the remaining seat.

"Is this why you brought me here, Enchantress?" Karlie could swear Taylor blushed.... But maybe it was just the dim light of the fake crystal ball.

"Among many things...but first..." Taylor pulled a deck of cards from her pocket. "My familiar...

"You mean the postman..." Karlie interrupted, but Taylor ignored it and continued: "...brought this to me a few days ago."

Karlie held out her hand and Taylor gave her the deck.

"It's beautiful." Karlie admired the artwork of each card "Do you know how to use them? Will you tell my fortune?" a huge smile spread across Karlie's features and Taylor giggled.

"You are my first customer."

Karlie straightened her back and handed the deck back to Taylor.

"What should I do?"

Taylor started shuffling the cards.

"Think of a question to focus on as I shuffle the cards and when you are ready, stop me." Taylor explained.

Karlie hummed.

Will we manage to share special times like this in the coming year? Thought Karlie, worried over their work schedules. This was a first time in months that she got to share quality time with Taylor alone...

Will we manage to share special times like this in the coming year? Karlie focused, determined and hopeful.

Taylor kept on shuffling, cards growing warm in her hands. Karlie was taking this seriously... Taylor knew that face.

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