Dread Relieved

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It was that time of the year again. The town was overflowing with Christmas lights, fake trees covered in fake snow. Fake smiles and promises. None of it was particularly appealing to Karlie.

OK, that is a lie. She loved the store discounts.
The crowds? Not so much.
Pessure to be jolly? Even less.

Maybe for someone all this brought warmth to their heart... But Karlie felt so alone.

She didn't mind the cold however, and with her figures laced around the mug of hot chocolate, she observed the slow-falling snow.

But even the glitter of fresh fallen snow will be lost with so many boots spreading it around and turning it to sludge.

Ugh, Karlie hated sludge.

Her workload had her exhausted, and just for today, she turned her phone off.

After she had her drink, she decided on a nap.

It was few hours later when Karlie opened her eyes. She could hear soft classical music playing from the living room...

What now? Who now? Why now?

Karlie wrapped herself up in her soft blanket, not wanting to leave the warmth.

It must be her agent, he had a spare key of the place in case some offer too good to resist came up.

Karlie rolled over to the other side.

He knows better than to approach her bedroom. Karlie once almost threw the alarm clock at him.

The music however, was persistent and now there was something new... Smell of delicious freshly baked goods snaked it's way to Karlie's nose.

He can't bake.

Suddenly Karlie sat up, Alert...
Then it could only be...

She got out of her bed and hurried into the living room.

"Hello mister Grinch!" Taylor welcomed her into a creative mess whe made.

There were boxes everywhere, some opened and showing the ornaments inside.

"Taylor, thank heavens!" Karlie almost ran to hug her friend.
"Karkar. What's wrong?"
"I though you were my agent coming to bury me under more Christmas related shoots I can't take any more..." before she knew it... Tears rolled down Karlie's cheeks.
"Karlie, It's alright. I'm so sorry I came in unannounced, I thought to surprise you..."
Nothing was getting through to the girl crying in Taylor's arms. She settled on drawing comforting circles over Karlie's back as she slowly led them to sit on the sofa.

" Everyone is so pushy. Everything needs to be done yesterday. Everywhere is something to do... But I simply can't, I can't do it anymore Tay." Karlie wailed and heaved.

"Take deep breaths, please Karlie..." Taylor knew Christmas was sometimes the busiest time of the year but she didn't mind it... She loved Christmas... But seeing Karlie like this almost broke Taylor's heart.
Unsure what to do or how to help, Taylor started humming.
Karlie was still crying, but started calming down, lulled by Taylor's efforts.

"Come." Taylor said and pulled back, taking Karlie's hand.
"I brought far too many. Help me choose." she motioned, showing Karlie all the boxes.

Karlie was quiet but nodded and started to go through the boxes.

"I know Christmas can be hard on you so I though if we did it together... I can show you." Taylor opened a small box and took out silver strands that glimmered in the light.

It took Karlie this long to notice a large Christmas tree waiting to be decorated in the corner of the living room.
Taking deep breaths, Karlie now picked up the smell of pine too. The whole room was full of... Everything festive.

"I made some cookies. They are on the table if you'd like some." Taylor said, still adorning the tree with fairy hair.

Karlie slowly helped herself to the still warm cookies, she munched on them and brought them back with her to the sofa.

The music changed and suddenly, Taylor was flailing her long arms around to electro-swing.

Karlie laughed and Taylor grinned, happy to see her friend relaxing a little.

"Which ones caught your eye most, miss?" Taylor once again motioned around her and Karlie indicated a box at random.
"Alright..." Taylor got to work, hanging crystalline snowflakes here and there.

"No no, put it higher.. There no no no" Karlie seemed to fail at giving Taylor directions.
"Let me." she got up and hung the glittery red bear at the right location.
Karlie couldn't see it, but Taylor mouthed "Yes" and punched the air in celebration.
They were actively decorating the Christmas tree, together.

After what seemed like forever the girls assessed the work they put into.

"Looks great." Karlie said.
"Needs more." Taylor argued, not satisfied with a flat toned "great".
Carefully, Taylor navigated the boxes.
"Covered your eyes." she instructed and Karlie listened.

"Open them."
Karlie didn't know where to look, small lights were dancing all over the tree, their colors bouncing off ornaments and Karlie followed them around.

Taylor saw it on her friends face. This was it. It was done.

"It's so beautiful Tay..."
Taylor's eyes twinkled just like the lights on a tree.

"It can stay?" Taylor asked.
Karlie smiled, a genuine, captivating smile.
"Yes. Thank you Taylor."
Taylor rushed to hug her friend.
"Thank you for helping me." she said
"That is my line!" Karlie faked a frown and pulled away.
They looked at each other for a moment longer then burst out laughing.

"But really, Tay, thank you. " Karlie said, serious.
Taylor smiled.

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