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I'm Hazelle Darcy Tomlinson, I'm 17. And yes. TOMLINSON. Don't ask. Anyway.... I'm blonde. I have complete parent, well my mum and my step-dad. But still. Mum and dad. Normal life?

Not excatly.... You see....

The last time I met my brother is when I'm five. I was kiddnapped by this dude who I later know as Dave Davidson. Five days after I'm kiddnapped, they brought me a friend, she's Irish, her name is Sapphire Gaby Horan, don't scream. She's my age that time. We were abused, and locked up. They always hit us. ALWAYS. They barely gave us food, they gave us water every three months, we took a bath once a year. And we were there until we're 12. So seven years, we were saved by this police department or something called GIS. Gangster International System. Don't worry they're legal. They're a part of CIA who help the kiddnappers' victims. The difference is that they're teenagers from age 12-20 and they weren't hiding, they live as a normal life. They usually drove Fancy cars, like Ferarri, but the leader, they got a Lamborghini. Forever. They can keep it forever. Anyway... After they helped us, they recruited us.

We trained for like one year, then we become they're members. I got the job in Doncaster, while Sapphire got the job in Mullingar, Ireland. When we're fifteen, I got up to England, and Sapphire got it on Ireland. So we're equal. And every leader has a name, I'm thunder, Sapphire's Storm.

We have couple of best friends, like Tara Payne, or Twister. Don't scream. She's the GIS leader of London. There's Drake, Lightning. he's my boss, Leader of UK, then there's Jace, Tornado. Leader of US, and then Sessilly, Hurricane. leader of Europe.

Unlike Sapphire who immidiately got to meet her brother, I kinda stay at the department every breaks. So I haven't met him since years, my parents knows I'm out of the kiddnappers, because they were GIS too. But Louis didn't know it. He still thought I'm still kiddnap.

At least he still remember me right? I mean he say it on the interview last month, he kept my lucky charm, lightning with his, the carrots. I gave him the carrots, He gave me the lightning. When I'm four. I left the necklace on my bed when I went to the beach. But I never went back. I missed him like crazy, but now, he's also have a hetic life.

Anyway, there's for me. I think.. Bye now!

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