••• Chapter Fifteen •••

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Sapphire's POV

I ran and tagged Tara and Zayn with me. To Riptide!

Oh my gosh! He's blue!!!! It's beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!! And charming!!!

"Charming one you got there" suddenly a voice said. I look behind me to find Jace. "Oh my god!" I yelled. He laughed. "I'll see Praetor! Bye!" He said then ran off. Just then I saw a silver with blue tires. OH MY GOSH!

PRAETOR IS SO GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The window went down. "Charming car you got there!" Hazelle state. I get inside riptide. "You comin!" I said to Tara and Zayn who were shocked. They came in. Zayn sat on the passanger seat. "Jace! You coming bring Liam and Harry with Ya!" Hazelle exclaimed. He nodded. And when inside. "See you in the capitol!" Hazelle said. Capitol? "Manchester" Tara said. I look at her. "She's going to Manchester" Tara said again. I nodded and speed off. To the special airport.

And after few hours. We arrived back in UK. Then I speed off to Manchester. It's already alittle to lunch. But I kept on speeding. "She's so fast" Zayn said. "Of course she is babe. She's the legendary car racer and gun shoter" I said. His look is speechless. I laughed. "So it's her the one who broke the metal door?" Zayn asked. We nodded. "Yup one and only" I said.

Once I arrived there. I was pretty speechless. There are so many leaders inside. She must have called tons of them. Because I saw a lot of lamborghinis. Then I noticed some cars, like White Ferrari. Means, the Leader of Manchester's here. The orange with white spots, means the Paris Leader is here. Then the yellowish redish lamborghini, means the Netherland's. And more. Ferraris and Lamborghinis.

Then we walks towards the entrance. "Storm Horan" I said. The listman smiled. "Congratulations" he said. I smiled. "Thanks" I said. Then Tara went next. "Twister Payne?" She said. Then the listman grinned. I know something's up. And I figured it out. "My lady" the listman said. As he open the door. Suddenly the light spots Tara. I tagged Zayn and went to the stage.

"Presenting. Tara Janette Payne. Twister Payne, Leader of Gangster International System England" Hazel said. We all cheered. Tara walk slowly toward the stage.

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