••• Chapter Eleven •••

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Hazelle's POV

FIRE? "Out! Everybody!" I exclaimed. They ran out. But I saw Franks. Stuck in the wood. So I ran to him. "Ran Thunder, save yourself" Franks exclaimed. "No!" I said. I help him first. Then we ran towards the backdoor, but the fire has exploded. So we went for the front door. Again we're trapped.

"We're trapped!" He exclaimed. "No we're not" I said. I ran to the captive. It's a metal room. So of course no fire. I climbed out the window. Yes there

A window. Then helped Franks. Then ran to the front.

"Thunder! Oh my gosh!" Sessily yelled. "I think I know who would later be in my position" Drake said. "No you don't! She's mine!" Sessily exclaimed. Drake pouted. "Fine" he said. "Where's Niall?" I asked. "Oh the blonde one with Jace? He's in Praetor" Drake said. "The others?" I asked. "Well, your brother will be with me. Liam wil be with Sessily. Zayn will of course be with Shappire in Jace's car. Jace and Harry would be in the van since Franks is brought to the hospital" Drake said. I nodded and sprint to Praetor.

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