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So in the end,

Everything seems fine. Everything is gonna be alright.

Anyway.... After one year, Sapphire couldn't held it anymore, she painted her car gold again, but more clear then the last riptide were and she changed the name of Riptide into Ceannaire, leader in Irish.

Now, four years later, they're out of the GIS. And now Hazel work as a singer, Sapphire work as a fashion designer, while Tara work as a Model.

The boys are now on stage while the girls are backstage. Hazel finally met Eleanor Calder, her brother's girlfriend. And They finally met Danielle Peazer, Liam's girlfriend.

"Now everyody sure heard Hazelle Darcy Tomlinson right? She's my sister" Louis said to the fans. Yes One Direction is still popular. "Bring her out then!" Louis said. Paul brought Hazel out and in instant, Niall hugged her tight. "Hey! She's mine first!" Louis said. "Hey! You have her for years! Now it's my turn" Niall said pouting.

Then Niall sang Truly Madly Deeply to her. It's so cute. Niall sang it acousticly. And solo. They boys are out in the backstage now.

"Hazelle Darcy Tomlinson, the first time I saw you walk towards the safe house from Praetor, I already like you, when you saved me from the kiddnappers on the safe house, I feel like you're the one. Then you instantly push my pedal. Of heart. You're gorgeous, and smart. When I'm kiddnapped all I could think is you. I made a pact to ask you out when I get away, and again, you saved me. I love you so much Hazelle. You're my only princess. You're my love of my life. So Hazelle..." Niall trailed off as he propose. "Will you marry me?" He finally asked.

Hazel has tears in her eyes and she nodded rapidly. Then they kissed.

•••••••••••••18 years later•••••••••••••

"Mummy!!!!!!!! Come on!!!" Mike whined. "Let's go mum! So I could be a good agent like you!" Michella said "yeah mum! I wanna have a lamborghini!" Mike said again.

So Finally, Hazelle married Niall and then they have four kids.

• Jamie Lilo Horan

He's the eldest. He is now, 17 years old and he's a big popstar like his daddy. He has a girlfriend, name Mikayla Jessica Malik

• Silena Hailee Horan

She's the second. She's fifteen now and she follows her brother Jamie on worldwide tour. She also has a boyfriend. Gregory Jace Payne

• Michella Sessily Horan

• Michael Drake Horan

They both are twins, they're eleven now. And they're excited to be a Gangster International System member.

Zayn marry Sapphire three months after Nazelle. They has two kids.

• Mikayla Jessica Malik, 17

She is Jamie Horan's girlfriend.

• Christan Zevane Malik, 15

He is GIS leader of England he also called himself, as Storm, like his mum

Louis marry Eleanor 3 months before Nazelle. They have two kids

• Darren Ware Tomlinson, 18.

He is also touring with His cousins, Jamie and Silena.

• Abigail Grace Tomlinson, 15.

She is Leader of GIS UK.

Liam marry Danielle and has kids...

• Gregory Jace Payne,16

He is Silena's boyfriend.

He is touring with Silena, Jamie and Darren.

• Xavier Hans Payne, 11.

He's Mike and Chella's best friend and he is also excited to be GIS member

And last but not least,

Harry married Tara. Suprise!

They have

• Ceannaire Darce Styles, 11


• Thomas Will Styles, 11

They are twins and are best friends with Mike, Chella and Xavier so of course. They are excited to be GIS member too.

And so, Happy Ever After did exist....

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