••• Chapter Three •••

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Sapphire's POV

SO we raced to their flat. Time to visit. I knocked at their flat. Once Liam saw us, he grinned. "Hey Saph, hey Tara" Liam said as he hugged all of us. I know something's different. "Don't hide it, we knew" I said, and in the instant, Liam has a teary eyes. "Where's Niall?" I asked. "Upstair" Zayn suddenly said. I nodded and when upstair to his room. I saw him. Just staring at the celling.

"Hey Ni" I said. "Oh hey Saph, weren't you supposed to be in Ireland?" He asked. "There's this interesting case, and who report it was interesting, so Tara went and got the case." I said. "Who's the interesting person?" He asked. "It's you.. Come on, show me Harry's and Louis' room please?" I said. He nodded.

"Twist! Let's go!" I said. She went upstair. "This is Harry's, beside him's Louis. I'll be downstair" Niall said akwardly. "No. Get packing. Get Liam to pack too, and Zayn" I said. He nodded. "Louis or Harry's?" I asked. "Louis first" she said. I nodded. When we open the room, you know what I saw? Piles of clothes. "Oh boy. This is a long day" Tara whined. I laughed. And we start checking after about two hours, finally, his room is clear, and we tidy it up top. Then we went to Harry's when we open the room, we were terrified. There's a writting on the wall.

Go Die!

Then we saw some rocks, and a note taped to it.

I'll kill Gemma

You better bring your best friend Louis to beach or I'll kill Gemma!

She's shopping in the mall

She's in the college, canteen.

Bring him to the beach!

And there's dozens of them. I put them all in the sack. "We need to go! Now!" I said. She nodded. I quickly get out. "We need to call Tornado" she said. I nodded and dialled his office phone.

"Hello. Tornado Jackson's office? How can I help you?" His assistant asked. "Yea. I need him" I said. "Name?" She asked again. "Storm" I said. "Oh, sorry Lady Storm" she said then I was connected to him. "Sup Sapphire? Missed me?" He asked. "Yes. But we need you. Protection House." I said. "Okay, sending to your GPS! Good luck!" He said. I hung up. I look to my phone,

Westside Abbey, 25. California.

Here we come California! I showed her the addres, she scan it. Then we went down. "Okay. Out the house now. This house is not safe" I said. They gapped. "I'll explain, but now let's go!" I said. I went inside Riptide. Niall is with me, while Zayn and Liam with Tara.

"What's going on?!" Niall exclaimed. I raced to the special Airport. Then drop my car on the garage and then went to the living room. I saw Tara did the same. "Where to Lady Storm?" The voice asked. "Tornado's safe house" I said. Then we were gone.

"Okay, so the one who kiddnapped Louis and Harry, is Dave Davidson. He's my ex kiddnapper. And he was coming after you Niall" I said . "So Louis and Harry got k-kidd-na-apped because they want to come after me?" Niall asked. "Well not excatly" I said. "I'm gonna call my boss" Tara said. "Asked her to come please?" I asked. "Yeah. Sure if she's not busy. Because she's all over England" Tara said. "Oh she will not denied it, because her family is in danger, her favourite family" I said

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