••• Chapter Ten •••

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Niall's POV

And... BOOM.

But I didn't got shot. I looked up. To find Jace. "Gosh. Thanks Thunder" he shouted. Then in the instant, Hazel ran. "Sorry Niall. I didn't know he was here" she said then hugged me. "It's okay" I said. "Tornado. Protect him." Hazel ordered. Jace nodded. Then Hazel ran back. "Will she be okay?" I asked worriedly. "Yeah. Come on" he said as we run again. Once we're outside, Jace got inside Praetor. "What if she's shot?" I asked nervously. "Thunder? Shot? You're kidding! She'll be okay. She's the history gun shoter in fact. So she'll be okay. Now rest" he said. I sighed. Then slept. She'll be okay. Right? I can't sleep knowing she's in danger. "Take a rest Niall. She'll be out okay?" He said softly. I nodded. Gosh I felt like a girl. I should be the one who save my princess not the other way around.

Then there's a fire. "What the heck" Jace said. He walks outside.

Take a rest Niall....

The car said. Huh?

I'm praetor the car. And boss asked me to calm you down. So please sleep. She's okay.

Maybe the car's right. I sleep.

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