••• Chapter Six •••

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Niall's POV

It's been three days here in the safe house. We were now having breakfast. Me and Hazelle has been closer. When suddenly Hazel's phone and Sapphire's phone rang. More like alarm. They all look at each other. "Car! Now!" They said together, but then, there's a granite. Then fire's everywhere.

"Praetor! Now!" Hazel exclaimed. "Riptide!" Sapphire exclaimed. Then I felt someone tried to grab me, but there's a gunfire, then I look to who wants to grabs me. A masked guy. Hazel shot a guy. "Thunder! Save Niall! He's wanted! Where's Liam?!" Sapphire said. And I suddenly felt someone hold me, "let's go Niall!" Hazelle said. We walk outside, to many masked guy. Hazelle shot them all, very easily. I tried not to look at it. Then Hazelle open the door for me, because my leg is burning, now I realized. I sat on the passager seat, while Hazelle, sprin to the driver seat, and raced. To the road. I saw a glimpse of Zayn and Liam, and Sapph and Tara went inside Sapph's car. Riptide. "Don't worry! She'll be fine" Hazelle said. I nodded. She then gave me a food. Like a candy thing. "Eat this" she said. I nodded. Then I notice a couple of vans following riptide.

Hazelle suddenly increased her speed and went into an alley. Then stop. Then I saw riptide then a car, then another car, then boom. I think Hazelle may or may not crash them. Then she drove away, more like raced away, because now, ten cars are following us. "Okay, Niall. I need you to see how many cars are there. Okay?!" Hazelle said. I nodded. "Ten" I said. She increase her speed again. It's like we're racing. Then I saw riptide is free, then she raced outside the road and into the big road and traffic jam. And I know they're safe. But we're not. Then Hazelle turns into an alley, and two car crashed. "Eight" I said. "Where are they going?" I asked. "Riptide? To safety" Hazelle said. Then she step on the pedal and we were racing again. And in fact, we're in the middle of cars now. The vans are reaching their gun. "They have gun" I said. She increased her speed again. Then I saw the guy shot the wheel, but infact it reflects back to their car. "Bad choice" she said. "Six" I said. She nodded. But then there's this big wall. "Now what?" I asked. She suddenly turned. A sharp turn. And it's another alley. Where she stop.

She threw a granite. And it burst, knocking three cars over. "Three to go" I said. She then step on the pedal again and drive outside the alley. She then stop in the middle of three cars. Oh no. Then they surround the parts with oil. "Bad choice dude" Hazel said. Then they threw a fire. Hazel smirked as she step on the pedal again. And then we're out of the fire. "How?" I asked confused. "Because, this car is bulletproof, fireproof, waterproof, that's why we said to get inside the car, not hide" she said. "One" I said. She smirked. "Let him be, and he'll be dead" she said as she went into the big road. And she's right the car is shot by a hellicopter. Then the hellicopter flew away.

"Okay, so are your legs okay?" She asked. I look to my legs. "Still burning but I didn't feel any pain" I said. "It work!" She exclaimed. "What works?" I asked. "Lilos! The candy I gave you" she said. I nodded.

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