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Dallas and I snap our heads twords the hallway once we heard the floor creak.

'Oh great' I thought

"What? Is there something in my face?" Maddie said while feeling her face.

"No, but your ears are gonna hurt with all the yelling in gonna do." I whisper yelled angrily.

"Why? Dallas is here, why can't I?" She whined.

"Well I'm not suppose to. It's your fault that I'm here." Dallas argued back.

"I don't care why either if you are here because neither of you are suppose to be here and neither of you are staying." I said back annoyed.

"WHY?!" THEY both said a bit too loudly.

"QUIET DOWN." I shushed them.

"Demi? Who are you talking to?" The sweet little girl said while standing in the door way of the sliding door.

"No one sweet heart just myself." I said while mentally cursing at myself for such a stupid lie.

"Can we come in now please?" She asked quietly.

"Yes but let me fix the lighting first." I said.

I went to the light switch and dimed the lights. I went to where she was standing and opened the door wider for her, the dogs, and my mom to come in. I held out my hand to Rachel and she grabbed it firmly as she took a big step over the door frame.

"May I take my glasses off please?" She asked politely.

"Yes you may sweet girl." I said with a warm smile on my face.

The took the lights off and ,with my help, walked over to the couch. Rex was blocking the door by sitting in the doorway. Rachel whisled for Rex to come in, snapped her fingers and pointed to the floor infront of her. He came in running and sat my her feet and layed his big head on her knees. She started to pet his head and praised him with a soft 'Good boy'. I smiled fondly at the two only to remember the two criminals in the kitchen, also known as, Dallas and Maddie. Before I could do anything my mom spoke up.

"Demi, could you join me in the kitchen please." My mom said softly.

"Umm, sure. Rachel can you stay here please." I asked gently.

She nodded her head while still petting Rex's head.

I smiled and walked with my mom to the kitchen.

"What are you girls thinking!" My mom whisper shouted.

"Maddiedidn'tletmegotothebathroomsoIhadtogodownstairs soIcouldgothemIheardherstart talking-"


Both girls tried to say at the same time only for my mom and I to shush them.

"ENOUGH" We both whisper yelled at them for the hundredth time today.

"I don't care what happened. Is dad still upstairs?" She asked in a calm tone.

"Yes, he's asleep." Maddie said.

"Good." Was all she said.

"Mom it's late and neither Rachel nor I have eaten." I said in a quiet tone.

"Okay well it's like twelve and I don't want to cook so let's go out. You girls hungry." She said.

We all nodded.

"Well, I'll go wake up your dad and you girls need to meet Rachel so she at least knows who you are." She said and went upstairs to wake up dad before I could object.

"Okay Momma." We all said and went to the living room.

"You girls need to be calm and speak softly so she isn't that scared or overwhelmed. Okay?" I stated.

They both nodded and said okay Demi.

"Let's see how this plays out." I mumbled to myself.


Demi walked in about five minutes after she went into the kitchen before Dianna walked out with out Demi and went upstairs. Thirty seconds later, Demi walked in with two new people. I was starting to get nervous again and Rex noticed took a defensive stance infront of me while baring his teeth and growling.

"Rachel its okay these are my sisters, Dallas and Maddison but we call her Maddie." Demu said while pointing to them both and they waved at me.

I nodded and snapped fingers and pointed to the couch cushion next to me. He obeyed imidiatly.

I gave them a shy wave and decided to wait a little bit until talking.

"They are super nice but sometimes they act like little kids too." Demi whispered kind of loudly, making me let out a small, almost inaudible giggle.

She let out one too, but I think the girls heard to because a second later there smiles dropped and the spoke.

"Hey!" They whined at the same time making us giggle again.

I patted Rex's head then started to rubb his jaws in a circular motion because he still looked a little tense and these actions always worked in relaxing him.

"She is so cute." The girl named Dallas gushed.

"I know right" Other girl, Maddie said

I blushed and looked away from them.

"Aww, your so cute sweet heart." Demi said while walking up to us and sat down.

She kissed my head and rubbed Rex's back. The girls sat on the other couch. We sat in silence before Demi broke it.

"So, Rachel, we are going to eat brunch in a little bit but we are going to the mall before. Does that sound okay?" Demi asked me.

"Can Rex come." I asked quietly.

"Yes because we were going to go to a dog friendly mall and restaurant." She clarified.

"Then let's go." I said while trying to get off the couch.

Demi helped me down but said-

"Before we go, you need to meet one more person." She said while nervously scratching the back of her neck.

"Then no more right." I asked her even more nervous than before.

"Yeah, no more people." She said.

"Okay, then who is it." I asked more confident.

"My dad." She said.


Thanks for reading! Have a lovely day or night!

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