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I was hanging out with my friends at a cafe and I saw something eerie. I saw Deku hanging out with some weirdo. Deku had a beanie on and the other guy had a mask and sunglasses. They were at the table next to me. I also spotted Shitty hair talking to them and laughing. The way he was laughing was... off. It was different from how he laughed last time I heard him. It sounded like him but a little high pitched. I decided to go talk to him.

"Hey shitty hair! Long time no see!"

"Hey Bakubro, I want to introduce you to my friends. This is Daihachi and this is Itaru."

I shook hands with them and noticed something else eerie. As I shook "Daihachi"'s hand I felt something. It felt like stitches. I know this because when I was nine, I fell down a rocky ditch and had to get stitches on my knee. I felt the stitches on my knee over and over until they went away. I awkwardly went back to talking with my own friends. I could've sworn Itaru was Deku.


I can't believe we fooled him! Kacchan is usually very intelligent and could find out anyone's disguise, but he didn't recognize me. "Alright guys, let's go. We don't want Kurogiri to start the meeting without us!" I whispered. "I would prefer he did" Dabi whispered back. We started the car.

"Who was that? Hey guys, I think I saw a pro hero!"Toga said, her disguise revealing herself.



"Weak ass bitch, give me the steering wheel, I can drive."

"I'm going to crash Izu-"

Before we knew it the airbags were deployed and the car had crashed. We all laughed for some reason. The police came and so did the ambulance. Dani's mask had fully fallen off now. Toga's disguise was gone and I had no protection over my face. The police came and found us three. Dabi and Toga were arrested while I was brought home.

At Izuku's House

I was brought to my mother's doorstep. "Mrs. Midoriya, we believe we have found your son. He was kidnapped by villains. He is unharmed and please watch him carefully for three days." The police chief said calmly. Mom nodded and bowed. She took me inside and hugged me tight. She burst into tears. "We missed you Izuku! I missed you, Mitsuki missed you, even Katsuki missed you!" She said. I just awkwardly pat her back slowly. "He's back???" I heard Kacchan yell from the room next to us. He ran to me and pulled me into a hug. I was honestly shocked. Kacchan NEVER hugged me. Only when he was forced to he would. "OLD HAG, GET YOUR FAT ASS HERE DEKU'S BACK" he yelled. Mitsuki hugged me as well. I was frozen. Kacchan's smile then faded as he looked at my eyes and freckles. "Hey Deku, can we talk?" He whispered as Mitsuki and mom were hugging and chatting. He led me to my room and told me to sit next to him on my bed. I sat down and he faced me. "Were you at a cafe with Kirishima?" He asked. I shook my head. He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Thanks Izu!" He said. I got up to leave but then he grabbed my wrist. He then pulled me into a kiss. I quickly pulled away when I could. I slapped him hard on the cheek. "WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled. He put his index finger over his lips to signal me to shut up. He had a smirk over his face. My face went pale with fear.

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