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We walked outside and the fight began.

Izuku swung his knife in my direction while running towards me. I dodged it and shot a small amount of fire at him. He dodged it as well and slid in the space between both my feet. He tried to cut me, but I sent walls of flames around me. His arm was burnt a little, but he kept fighting. I removed the flame walls and grabbed Izuku's knife by the handle. He swung near me and kicked me. We both dropped the knife. Izuku ran for it, but I turned it into ashes. "Hey, time out!" He yelled.

"How'd you do that?" He asked. "Do what?" I asked with a confused face. He pointed at the ashes where his knife used to be. "That, my friend, was cremation." I explained. "It can turn someone into ashes, and anything else. It's the hottest kind of fire."


I start mumbling about the quirk. So if I got burnt, that means- I looker at the burn mark on my shoulder, it wasn't ashes, but it hurt a lot. "How come my shoulder didn't turn to ashes?" I ask. Dabi looks at my shoulder. "I didn't use it where it's hot enough. After all, you're new to this shit." He said.

I was not new to fighting! I had just started like yesterday! I lost control over myself and mumble "Well you're not hot enough."

He looked at me and said "What?" I realized what I had said, and turn my head. "What?" I ask.

"Want to make a combo? I have ideas for it!" I offered. "Sure." He replied.

First was basic. I lifted my knife and he heated it up. It was a heated knife, like those 1000° knife videos. We didn't have any ideas after that, so we sat down and watched Dabi play with his fire. He made a snake and made an arrow pierce through it. He transformed that into a fish, then into the silhouette of a human. This human was stabbed by a knife.

Soon after all those transformations, we heard the microwave beep. Dabi swiftly walked into the kitchen and put on oven mitts. I followed him into the kitchen. He took the chicken nuggets out and the smell filled the kitchen. Shigaraki and Toga rushed down the stairs while pushing each other. I swear to god, they literally act like children. Dabi put the chicken nuggets on plates. Shigaraki and Toga sat down at the table and starting eating their chicken nuggets. Those savages didn't even add ketchup.

I grabbed my chicken nugget, dipped it in ketchup, and ate it. I ate all the others. Shigaraki and Toga were done eating and had left their plates on the table. I put my plate in the sink and looked at Dabi. He wasn't putting their plates away. I got up to put their plates away, but Dabi stopped me. He looked at them and yelled "Is there a maid I don't know about, that's supposed to pick up these plates, because I don't see one anywhere. So get your asses over here and pick these up!" Dabi yelled. They groaned and trudged over to the table. They picked up their plates and put them in the sink. Then, they both ran back upstairs to play Just Dance.

"Where's the man who couldn't even feed a baby that I knew? All I see is a man who knows how to deal with children." I joked. He chuckled and shrugged. "Well, I do have to take care of Yorikobi most of the time, its only natural. I can never measure up to Mamagiri though." He said. Just then, we hear a scream from Shigaraki and Toga. I run upstairs and find Toga and Shigaraki on a table, cowering away from Yorokobi.

"He bit me!" Toga yelled. Her hand was sort of bleeding, but not to the point where you squeeze it and more blood comes out. "That thing is bloodthirsty!" Shigaraki said. Yorokobi just giggled on the floor. I laughed and picked Yorokobi up. "This thing is harmless. You have killed countless heroes and you're afraid of a baby?" I asked. They nodded. I moved him closer to them and they backed up. "Get that demon away from me!" Toga yelled. "Please, if this thing's a demon, then his father is Satan." I blurted out. Toga and Shigaraki started to grow interested in the conversation.

"Who's his father?" was the question being asked over and over by Toga and Shigaraki. I sighed. "If you promise to hold the baby and stop calling it a thing, then I'll let you know." I said. Shigaraki and Toga nodded. I lifted the baby and Shigaraki held his hand out to hold him. "Not you..." I said to him. "I dont want a pile of dust for a baby."

I lowered him into Toga's arms and she held him. "The infant is scary." She said while looking at him."Okay, so do you want to know that father or not?" I asked. They nodded and I took a deep breath. "The father is...."

"Me." I said. Their faces were full of disappointment. "THAT'S IT?" Shigaraki asked. "Yeah, that's it." I said. I picked up the baby and walked out the door. As I almost exited the room when I hear,

"I thought you were gay."


A/N: I really don't know how to end a chapter perfectly. This chapter may seem unimportant, and probably is, but I'm trying to cut the story into bits and upload frequently.

Future A/N:

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I'm cringing because of this! This story does not deserve the many views/votes it has!

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