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I finished walking to the cafe and stopped at the door. I waited until I saw Kacchan's car and got inside. "Hey Izu" He said cheerfully. I didn't know why, but I had this weird feeling when I was with him. Like there was something wrong and I shouldn't give him a chance. I ignored this feeling and we started chatting. I reached into my pocket and realized I forgot my phone! Kacchan saw this and said "Leave it. We can use it as a tracking device for the police." He said. I forced myself to believe Kacchan had a good idea. They are villains, and they are all brutal. They deserve it. We stopped at my house. "I fed your dog when you went missing." He said. My dog burst out the door once we opened it. I started petting her and playing with her. Kacchan just stared at me, ruffling my hair. He had a smirk on his face. He then leaned in and kissed me. I was surprised, but soon melted into the kiss. It gave me that weird feeling again. It told me to go away from him and he's a danger, but I didn't listen. He then put his hands on my waist and pinned me to the wall. Kacchan pulled away when we heard a knock on the door. It was the Bakusquad. "Hey Bakubro! We just wanted to come by and say, Happy Early Birthday! We won't be able to make it to your party so let's hang out for now. We also brought Todoroki, Tsuyu, Ochako, and someone else we met. Her name is Kontorōu." Kirishima said. Kacchan welcomes everyone into my house. I didn't mind, but how did they know he was here? We played standard games first, like Uno, Clue, and others. Then we started playing spin the bottle. Kacchan didn't let me play the game, so I had to watch. Kirishima-Kaminari, Ochako- Todoroki, Ochako-Tsuyu, Kirishima-Bakugou, Kaminari-Ochako, Bakugou-Todoroki. If I ask to play, Kacchan would get mad and ask If I'm trying to cheat on him, even though he's playing it. After playing games, we watched a movie. I got popcorn and Kirishima got us all Caprisuns. Then the squad and the others left. I walked out of the room and into the bathroom. "Oi, where are you going?" Kacchan asked 'concerned'. "I'm going to take a quick shower." I replied, confused. Kacchan then roughly pulled my lips towards his. I pulled away and went to go take my shower.


There's something that isn't right about Bakugou. He seems...off. He doesn't want Izuku to do anything and questions him all the time. The camera fell of the shirt while Izuku went to the bathroom. The camera cracked and the screen went blank.

Timeskip to a day later....


The police found the villains. It was all over the news. Villain base found. Toga, Dabi, Tomura, Kurogiri, etc. found. Toga was shown. She was confused and struggling to get out of the handcuffs. Shigaraki had quirk-pausing handcuffs and was squirming. Kurogiri didn't really care. There was one person who made me feel guilty though. He was furious and constantly yelling, "TRAITOR!" Guilt washed over me immediately. I have never seen Dabi so mad, and I thought I never would. But here he was, yelling about how I betrayed them. How I betrayed him. Kacchan came and sat next to me. "You made the right choice, Izu." He said calmly. I thought over and over but a question lingered in my mind, stuck there even if I try to forget if. Did I do the right thing? The answer is unknown to me. "Their faces are priceless. Who knew they were stupid enough to leave a hero's phone, which they could track down, in a villain base?" Kacchan said to me. The eerie feeling came back to me, but all I could do was nod and say "yeah, what idiots." I've sent people who cared about me, and were my closest friends, to prison for four years. What a good hero...


"Back to square one..." I said. "I told you we shouldn't have brought him to the base." Dabi said. Everyone in the cell looked at him. "I didn't expect you to say that Dabi." I said. "You were the closest to Deku~kun than any other villain." I said.

"It's not just Deku, (He now calls him Deku.) its all heroes. They would trade any bond with a villain for fame. Deku wanted to escape the chance of getting in jail by turning us in. In that way, people trust him more." Dabi~kun explained. He was surprisingly calm.

"Why did Midoriya leave, Dabi? Since you know so much, explain." Tomura said. Dabi~kun hesitated to answer. His eyes looked dull and emptier than when Deku~kun was around. "...It was his boyfriend. He asked to get together with Deku. I put a camera on Deku's shirt and they used the phone to locate us. When I reached the phone it was too late. The cops were here and there was nothing I could do." Dabi~kun said. "So.... anyone up for rock-paper-scissors?" I asked, trying to change the subject. We all ended up playing it for an hour.

To Be Continued...

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