Chapter two

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~Arthur POV~
I woke up with a nasty headache. "What the?" I said to myself, seeing the paper on my face. Taking it off, I started to read it.

Yo bro, you got hella drunk last night Kiku, and I brought you home; see you tomorrow

I crumbled the piece of paper, wanting to die. "How embarrassing" was all I could think. I reached for my phone and saw the time. "Shit I am late!!" I said, jumping up from the couch, trying to ignore my headache. I hurried to get in the shower and dressed as fast as I could so I can head out for work. "Yes, I am sorry about being late; my alarm did not go off," I told my superior over the phone. "Just hurry and get here," my boss said making me nod as he started to get after me over the phone. I had no idea what to say, hopefully, I do not get fired.

I tried adjusting my papers in my bag as I held the phone to my ear and coat in my hand. This is not the best day for me. I guess it is my fault for drinking too much. "Be here now!" My boss yelled. "Yes sir-." I was cut off when someone bumped into me, dropping a hot liquid all over my shirt. "Ahhh!!" I said, trying to cool down the spot. By then I had hung up on my boss which was not good. "I am so sorry," a man said looking at my ruined white shirt. "You really need to be careful! What if something worse happened?" I yelled, picking up the things that fell out of my hands.

"Let me help," the man said trying to pick some of my things up "it is fine, please just not now," I said frustrated. Suddenly I noticed something red attached to my pinky. "What the?" I said lifting my hand in front of me. I tried to take it off, but it would not budge. "Actually can you help me take this off?" I said finally looking at the man who bumped into me. He had beautiful blonde hair and was so tall with blue eyes. I stared in awe for a bit until I snapped myself out of it. "Take what off?" He asked, confused looking at my hand. "The red string on my finger, it won't come off," I said pointing to it, but he was still confused.

"You are joking, right? There is nothing there" the man said looking at me worried. "Listen, I can help pay for your shirt and buy you something to eat; you seem like you could use a meal," the man said laughing a bit. "What? But it is there?" I said confused looking at my hand. Maybe I am hallucinating from everything. I looked at the time and was worried. "I am late anyway," I said giving up. The man smiled and helped me with my things. "Come with me," he smiled, leading me somewhere. Suddenly I noticed his hand. "You have one too," I said looking at the string.

He lifted a brow to his hand and made another worried face. "Don't worry, I will get you some head medicine too. What were you up to?" He laughed, questioning. "Well, I went out drinking last night, and I hardly remember anything; I woke up and was late for work," I explained defeated. "Where are we going?" I asked looking at the man. "My house to help get you cleaned up," he said pointing to a building. I stopped suddenly looking at him.

"I do not know who you are. What if you are a creep?" I said, crossing my arms. The man laughed shaking his head. "I just want to help." He smiled at me while walking up the steps to the building. However, I was still suspicious. "Fine! I am Francis Bonnefoy, a pleasure" he said sticking his hand out but I did not budge "would you like to see my ID to make you feel better?" He joked. "That won't be necessary. My name is Arthur Kirkland, likewise" I said sticking my hand out to shake his.


He took out his keys opening the door. He held it open for me to walk in. "Sorry if there is a mess; I have not been home to clean up," he apologized. But the house was clean. At least I thought it was. "Here, let me get you a new shirt," he said, walking into another room. I set my things down and placed my coat over a chair. "Here you go; I can make you some food very quickly, just give me a second" he smiled handing me the shirt. "Thank you," I said, taking the shirt.

I looked at the string on my hand and decided to ignore it. I started to take off my button-up shirt so I would not get sticky from the coffee on my shirt. "Oh, you are changing here?" Frank said, looking at me. "Yes, hope you don't mind," I said, taking the shirt off completely, seeing his face turn red. "We are both men anyway," I said pointing to my chest. "Right," he laughed. "So Frank, what kind of job do you have?" I asked, putting the shirt he gave me on. "It is actually Francis," he laughed, correcting me. "That is my bad; I am still exhausted," I laughed nervously.

"I am an accountant, though" he laughed and started to cook something from the kitchen. I nodded and put my coat on, soon inspecting the string. I lifted up the long part, and it started to lead somewhere. Before I could start to follow, Frank called me. "Your food is ready," he smiled, handing me a crepe. "What about you?" He asked, smiling at me. "I work for an advertisement company, maybe you have heard of it. It is Carat UK" I smiled back, taking a Bite from the food. "Wow, this is amazing" I smiled at how tasty it was. Frank looked pleased, nodding at me. I looked at the time and jumped. "I do apologize Frank...Boutique?" I questioned, confused and it made him laugh. "You have the worst memory in the world Arthur Kirkland" he laughed happily. "My name is Francis Bonnefoy; you were close," he added laughing. I felt my cheeks heat up swallowing a bite of the food. "Well, I should go...Francis," I smiled, heading for the door.

Thanks for reading so far

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