Chapter twenty two

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Sunday late afternoon had finally come, and I was to leave back home soon. It had been a little awkward the rest of the weekend after waking up to our mess Saturday morning. Not in a bad way; it was mostly like, if I smiled at him, he would turn away, too embarrassed to look at me, while if he walked close to me, I would start freaking out, feeling my heart beat fast. To make it clear...... we had no idea how to control ourselves. I have started to realize my feelings toward Francis, and I had never wanted to cut my heart out for someone before. I was attracted to Francis, and it was like I had to have him all to myself. Every time I looked at him, I wanted to kiss him.

Before I headed out, I decided to use the restroom. I washed my face quickly, opening my eyes to look at myself in the mirror, remembering the fun I had this weekend and the awkward moments like when Francis saw the marks


"Are you not going to take off the towel?" Francis asked, pointing to the towel. I stopped eating for a second. "Um...yes," I said, continuing to eat but not taking it off. He started to stare at me suspiciously now. "If you say so," he said, standing up to go put his plate in the kitchen. He walked back next to me, and I could feel my heart race from how close he was. "Arthur..." Francis purred, causing a shiver to go up my spine as my body became hot. "Y...yes?" I asked nervously. Francis suddenly pulled the towel off. I jumped, shocked, and covered my neck.

"I knew you were hiding something! You could have told me," he said, starting to sass. "Sorry, I did not want you to freak out," I said, calming down. He smiled a bit at me and touched my cheek softly in such a loving way. I felt myself falling hard. "You are an idiot," he laughed, making my heart explode. He tilted my head to the side, looking at it. "We can put some ice on it to help it," he said, touching my skin softly. I felt another shiver go up my spine. I smiled at him awkwardly and saw his face turn red as he looked away. "Just wait here," he breathed out, walking to the kitchen. I wonder why he got that way?

~flashback over~

I soon realized that he would get flustered only when I would smile at him. It was adorable. I laughed a bit until the lights started to flicker on and off in the bathroom. "What the heck?" I said, confused. I soon saw a figure form on the other side of the room; I knew who it was. "What do you want now?" I asked annoyed. "Hello Arthur, I thought you would at least be a little happy to see me," she chuckled. "I like you a lot, honestly. I am rooting for you and Francis. I will tell you what. If you are able to get him to admit his feelings to you by next Saturday at 12 midnight, I won't take your soul, and everything will go back to normal for you. However, no cheating. That means you can't confess to him first, he has to do it first. Also, I will be watching everything." She chuckled a bit.

"Also, one more thing. I will give you a small good yet terrible handicap.... depending if you have the right intentions," she smirked at me. "Like what?" I asked, confused. "You will now act on impulse." She laughed at my shocked expression. "Listen, I do not want to do this anymore. I love him a lot...I know I do now. If he were to find out this was the reason I tried getting close....who knows if he would even love me still.... or accept me," I said sadly as she stared at me. "When you put it like that, it makes me even more excited. You can not back out of it so easily. This is my game," Elizabeta smiled, pushing hair out of my face. "Remember, you have until next Saturday at midnight, have fun lover boy," she laughed snapping her fingers.

I turned to the mirror staring in horror; all I have to do is avoid any extreme emotion, so I do not act on that impulse. I just need to play it cool. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Francis extremely soaked in the living room. "I was out watering the grass, and I got wet by accident," he laughed. His white shirt was see-through, and he flipped his hair back. "Damn it!" I yelled, punching the wall to make me stop thinking what I was about to think. "Calm down it was not that bad," Francis said, shocked at my sudden reaction toward the wall. "You should really change; someone might see you like that," I said, pissed off, trying to hold back my thoughts. Francis walked closer to me, and I could see his chest through the wet shirt. I wanted to..... no!!!!!!

"If you come closer, I will regret doing something, so please stay back," I said, looking away from him and to the ground. "Arthur?" He asked, concerned. "I should go home now; I should not be here," I said, passing by him quickly. This is not good. I could see why she said it would be a terrible thing to act on impulse. I pulled my sweater down so he would not see the excitement I was trying so hard to pull back and not show. "I will text you later," I said, opening the door to leave. I can not stay around him; this is bad. What if I had tried something on him? I am not the type of person to just do something like that. I am stupid! How will I ever get him to say he loves me?

Thanks for reading so far!!!!!!!

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