Chapter forty one (final)

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~Third person pov~
"Francis?" Arthur looked over to the sleeping man on the chair beside him. "You did not have to stay in the room with me," Arthur chuckled a bit, shaking him, but he did not wake. "Sir, there are other people who want to see you," a nurse came into the room. "You can let them in," Arthur smiled a sweet smile looking back to Francis. "Hey wake up", Arthur yelled but nothing. He started to wonder if he was okay.

"Wake the hell up!!!" Arthur yelled hitting him. Suddenly.... his eyes started to open slowly. "What?" Francis said shocked. "What is wrong with you?" Arthur started to sass. "Am I in heaven?" Francis asked confused. "No! But you are getting on my nerves for not waking up the first time. I was worried about you!"  Arthur crosses his arms, looking at his French friend.

Francis's eyes widened open seeing that he was not dead. That Arthur was alive and well. "You are alive?" Francis asked hopeful. "Of course I am. I would not want you getting into trouble if I were to die," Arthur laughed as Francis came closer to the bed he lay on. "How is this possible?" Francis smiled pulling Arthur in for a hug. A very long hug.

"Is everything okay?" Arthur asked confused. "Y-Yes.... I just was worried," Francis whispered, holding Arthur in a hug still. "Arthur, I love you," Francis pulled away to look at Arthur with love in his eyes. "I love you too!!" Arthur cheered pushing himself closer to Francis and kissing him."Let's go on another date some time" Francis laughed nervously. "We definitely will" Arthur smiled back in happiness

"You are okay!!" Alfred shouted into the room as everyone walked in. "You did it bro!" Alfred pushed Francis out of the way and grabbed Arthur for a long hug, in which Kiku joined in by patting their backs happily. "We knew you could," Antonio smiled, looking at how happy everyone was.

However, Francis was very confused about why he was still alive when he asked to take his place of Arthur. "Please excuse me," Francis smiled as Arthur nodded from the multiple hugs he was getting. Francis left the hospital room to a nearby restroom to wash his tired face. "This can't be real," he said, looking at himself. "It is too good to be true," he added, confused as to what the catch was.

"Hello Francis" he heard a voice call. Francis turned quickly seeing that woman. "What?"He asked in total disbelief and shock. "I thought I -." Francis started but got cut off. "You were supposed to be dead? Right?" The lady laughed. Francis nodded confused. "Well... I was feeling generous after seeing both of you. Of all the people I have purposely terrorized, you were the only ones to have given your life for the other. I think that says a lot, no?" She smiled, starting to walk out of the restroom. Francis stared at her with a tinge of happiness , with suspicions.

"The both of you will live. For now, I will make sure that I lift the curses from Arthur as well. So do not worry," she laughed, leaving.  Francis hurried out the restroom with happiness on his face. He had to see Arthur. He rushed back to the room, slamming the door open. "Francis, are you okay?"  Arthur asked confused at why he was so happy and breathing hard.

"Nothing.... I just needed to be sure it was not a dream," Francis laughed out, taking a seat by his hospital bed like everyone else. "Of course, it is not silly" Arthur smiled, holding Francis's hand. "Everything will be okay now?" Francis asked as Arthur nodded. "Yes."

Author note is next!

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