Chapter fifteen

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"So you went on a date and did not realize it at all?" Alfred asked me as I bit down on a cookie piece. "Well, now I realize it, but it did not seem that way at first. I did not use the tips the both of you gave me," I mentioned. "You are bad at this," they laughed at me. "No! I just......Yeah, you are right" I said rubbing my forehead. How can someone be so bad at talking to someone? I suck. "I need to wash my face; please excuse me," I said getting up to walk to the restroom. I have no idea what to do, and I am the worst person to be doing this.

I opened the stall and sat down on a toilet seat. I placed my head in my hands trying to think. "What to do," I whispered to myself. "I know what you can do," I heard a voice say. "Eh?"
I looked down and saw Elizabeta between my legs staring at me. "Ahhhhh!!!!" I yelled getting up. "Are you okay in there?" Someone asked from outside. I looked to the lady and to the stall and back to her. This time she was gesturing for me not to say anything. "Yes! I just..... checked the weather?" I said, confused. The man laughed from the other side. "Yeah it can get like that," he said. "Aye, do you want to come to my birthday party?" The man said, and we stared in disbelief. "I am in the restroom right now, can I get back to you?" I asked. I have no idea who that man is.

"Yeah, man" he laughed. I shook my head in disbelief. "Hello Arthur, it has been very interesting watching you screw everything up with your obliviousness," the lady laughed pointing at me. "Cry me a river, what do you want," I whispered so no one can hear me. "I have come to make things harder for you. One reason that is" she smiled as I felt sweat drop from my forehead. "Which is?" I asked, confused. "You are an interesting person, and I want your soul," she laughed, smirking. "Why don't you just take it then?" I asked. She laughed, shaking her head. "What is the fun in that?" She laughed a bit evil.

"What will you do?" I asked. A wide smirk grew on her face. "Let me think.... oh, I know! I will make you even more oblivious than you are now. It would probably hurt his feelings, but that is the fun in it."
"Why would he be hurt?"
"God... this is going to be fun," she laughed, snapping her fingers, soon disappearing. "This is really getting out of hand," I thought as I exited the stall. I have to tell Alfred and Kiku about what happened right now.

"The lady! She came to me in the bathroom."
"What are you? A prophet?"
"Alfred, now is not the time for jokes."
"Kiku bro, it was funny, though."
"So, What happened?" Kiku turned to look at me.
"Apparently, she made me "more oblivious" I made a finger movement as they nodded.
"So what I am hearing is, Francis and you have no chance anymore?" Kiku asked sadly.
"It was nice knowing you, bro; let me know what it feels like to have your soul taken" Alfred placed a hand on my shoulder.
"No! I won't give up! I just have to be the one making the moves," I said angrily now. "Now we are talking! Arthur taking control!" Alfred laughed. "So, what will you do?" Kiku asked, a bit worried. "I will flirt with him a bit and then ask him out (respectively) on a date. Plus, he did mention he wanted to have some sort of sleepover with just the two of us; I could do some flirting there, too," I suggested, and they both nodded. "Sounds good," Kiku added.

"Aren't you worried that it won't work out?" Alfred asked. "I am, but I should not try and think about the bad side of it all," I said, a bit sad. "Maybe you should think about telling him the situation?" Kiku started to wonder. "I would want to, but I am sure if I say something, it would affect his feelings. He will think I was playing with his feelings the whole time," I said, and they both nodded, agreeing. "For now, we should keep it a secret. Who knows what will happen" I said. I did not like the idea of keeping it a secret from him, but who knows if that would affect his feelings for me.

"Ding!" My phone made a noise. I looked down at it and saw it was an unknown number. "This is Francis! I got a new phone," I read the text message in my head.


Me: that is great!

Him: now I can send you late-night texts when you are feeling lonely 😇

Me: I will pass on that offer

Him: come to my house for dinner tonight 😘☕️

Me: why the teacup? Also, I can see. I get out today at 8

Him: perfect! I will pick you up 💍❤️

Me: okay?.... 🤔


After the text, I showed Kiku while Alfred tried to see too. Alfred started laughing at the texts. "I don't know if he is flirting or is messing with you," he laughed. "I doubt he is; French people are just affectionate," I said, shrugging it off.
"No! Don't think that way. It will put you in a deeper hole. For now, assume everything he does is flirting" Kiku snapped his fingers. "I don't know about that one dude; sometimes people can be nice," Alfred thought. "I agree with Alfred. Unless he shows something, I can not just assume," I looked to Kiku. "Alright, Fine then. But when you are at his place, make sure you flirt, none of that weird stuff, just casual flirting. With a wink or head tilt," Kiku laughed a bit. "I will try...."

Thanks for reading so far :)

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