Chapter eight

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"Just stay still already," Alfred said, handing me some booze. "I am trying, but I am so nervous," I said, wiping sweat off my face. "Arthur, don't look now, but he is here, along with four other attractive men," Kiku said, making Alfred jump. "You think they are attractive?" He asked, hurt, but Kiku did not answer him. "Hey!" Francis called, making me turn to him. "Hey!!!" I smiled, standing up to greet him. "This is Antonio, Gilbert, Feliciano, and his brother Lovino" Francis pointed to everyone, and I nodded slowly. "You will probably forget their names, won't you?" He asked, defeated. "Probably," I laughed, "Well, this is Kiku and Alfred" I smiled, pointing to them. "Nice to meet you," he waved to them. I smiled at them and started gesturing for him to sit across from me. "Here, you can sit here!" Alfred laughed, standing up so Francis could take a seat next to me.

"Are you sure?" Francis asked, confused. "Of course, bro! Go ahead," Alfred smirked, letting him sit next to me. The other people took seats across from us as well. My eyes started to notice red strings appearing on their pinkies. I had to rub my eyes so the color would not start making my head hurt from how bright it was. I wonder where theirs went. I saw the strings flow all the way outside of the pub. I wish I could follow. 

"So, it is nice to see Francis made a new friend," Antonio teased as Francis rolled his eyes. "How did the two of you meet?" I think his name was Gilbert said. "Ahh...we ran into each other....literally," Francis laughed. I nearly spit out my drink from laughter as well. "Yes, and he helped me out a lot, so I invited him over for some tea," I smiled, adding to what Francis said. "What? You went to his house, and the both of you did not have sex?" That Lovino guy said, making me almost spit out my drink along with Alfred and Kiku, who just stared at me.

"Hey, be nice" Antonio nudged him a bit, making him roll his eyes. Suddenly I realized something from Alfred and Kiku. Every time they got closer, the string would glow brighter and brighter. That is odd. I looked down at mine and saw it was glowing brightly as well. Weird. I moved closer to Francis, and it would glow brighter. I decided to place my hand on his shoulder, and it grew so bright it scared me. "You okay?" Francis asked, making me take my hand away. "Yes! Peachy" I laughed looking away.

It was nice to get to know new people. I guess I realized I do not get out much to meet new people as I would like to. "Well, we should be leaving" Antonio gestured to the other three people. They nodded, standing up. "Already?" Francis asked, laughing. "Yes, Ludwig will kill me if Feliciano is not home safe," the man Gilbert said, pointing to an already drunk Italian man. "Yeah, and Lovino is already drunk too," Antonio pointed to him, who was now passed out. All night I have been trying to limit myself from getting dead drunk again, especially in front of new people. "I guess it is just us" Francis smiled, looking at Kiku, Alfred, and I. Francis turned to me smiling, and I could see Alfred making hand signs that I did not know meant from behind me.

"Actually, Kiku is pretty drunk too; I should take him home" Alfred stood up as Kiku dramatically put his head down to act drunk. Those bastards promised not to leave me alone. I glared at them for a bit until Francis turned to me. "Do you need to leave too?" He asked, a little sad. I saw Alfred and Kiku making hand signs as if telling me to say no. "No, I can stay longer" I smiled, laughing, defeated. "Great!" Francis smiled, waving goodbye to Alfred and Kiku as they left.

"I did not expect for you to call me so soon" Francis smiled, looking at me. "Yeah, they were eager to meet you," I explained. "Oh, so you talked about me?" He smirked. "I... Yes...but it was because I ....Yeah..." I had no idea what to say. He got me there. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," he smiled, winking at me. I felt my heart beat faster. "Hey, since we are out, maybe you can take me on a hunt to find who my soul mate is," Francis suggested drinking some more. "Maybe you should calm down a bit with the drinking," I said nervously, seeing him drink more. "It is okay, I got this" he laughed a bit. Why would those idiots leave me here with this drunken fool? "Okay then..." I laughed, sipping more of my drink.

"And then I told him, I bet I could drink this whole thing in ten seconds, and he did not believe me...but I did it"
"Francis..... I was the one who told you that. Stop acting like I am not here talking to you still."
"Right, Arthur. You are so cute! You should try pushing your hair back," Francis laughed, pushing my hair back. My face turned red as he got so close. "Time for you to go home," I said, standing up. "No!" He laughed, chugging some more booze. Why would they do this to me? "Let's go," I said, pulling him up by the arm and flinging it over my shoulder. "Okay, I don't mind going with you anywhere," he laughed leaning his body weight on me.

"Arthur, your hair is so soft," he smiled, rubbing his face against my hair. "Yeah yeah, let's hurry," I said, starting to walk with him. "Where do you live again?" I asked him, confused. But he would not answer. "Forget it! You are staying at my place," I said, frustrated, pulling him along the path to my house.

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