Chapter thirty four

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"Now then, let's try this again, shall we?" Lovino said, a bit annoyed. I pulled down the handkerchief a bit and gulped. "Francis, you have....." I started to say, but looking at Gilbert in a long blonde wig made me a bit disgusted. "I have?..." he asked, fanning himself. "A very.... nice" I tried looking at him to pick a feature. I need to think of him as Francis. Not Gilbert in a blonde wig going on a fake date with me. "Francis, I like everything about you" I laughed out but got hit upside the head with a newspaper. "That hurt!" I said, looking to Alfred, who smirked. "That was strike three; you are dead. If this were real, you would have died the first strike!" Lovino yelled, looking as if he wanted to hit me too. "Why are all of you trying to hit me?" I said, horrified. "Because you are stupid!" Kiku said, frustrated. "I am trying. It is hard to find the right words to use," I defended.

"Let's try this again," Lovino said, looking like he was about to explode. I nodded and coughed out, clearing my throat. "Francis, you are very kind and lovely," I started. "Oh, hon hon hon, Je t'aime , Arzur" Gilbert mimicked Francis accent terribly. "What?" I asked, confused. "Idiot!" Lovino yelled, hitting me. "He just confessed, and all you said was "what"? Like an idiot," he got mad. "Oh... so you do?" I asked, looking at Gilbert.

"Do I What?" Gilbert asked. "What you just said!" I raised my voice a bit. "What did I say?" He laughed. "What you said just a moment again," I said, frustrated now. "I did not say anything," he laughed. "You said "Je t'aime"" I looked at him annoyed. "Oh, si," Gilbert smiled, "that is Spanish" Antonio nudged him. "Oh right, my bad," Gilbert laughed.

"What does it mean?"I asked rubbing my eyes. "It means I love you...right?" Gilbert looked at Antonio, questioning, but Antonio gave him a thumbs up as if he was doing well. "So do you?" I asked, confused. "Do I What?" He played dumb once more. "Oh, bloody hell!! Do you love me or not!" I yelled, and soon everyone started to hit me with newspapers and magazines.

The door to the house opened, and there was Feli.... watching them beat the shit out of me with magazines and newspapers. "Did I miss something?" He asked, confused yet nervous. "No, no" Gilbert laughed, looking at him. "Why are you dressed as Francis?" He asked worriedly. "I leave for twenty minutes, and I come back to this. Here are your snacks" Feli shook his head as he placed the bag on the table.

As everyone sat around the table to take a break, I put my head down for a bit. "When does he get out of work today?" I asked from my head down. "Today, he gets out at seven; it is five pm right now," Antonio answered. I lifted my head and looked at all of them. "Will I be able to do this?" I asked them.

"You will, you just need to be careful what you say and how you say it," Feli answered, making everyone nod. I breathed out a bit, fixing my outfit. "After we finish snacking like a couple of children, I will fix your hair," Antonio smiled. "You can't even fix your own hair, you tomato-loving bastard," Lovino yelled at him. "I can just slick it back or something?" I asked unsure what they will say. "I will do it" Gilbert smiled, and Lovino nodded.

"Now then, body language is important too! So make sure you touch his hand a little bit, or maybe move some of his hair out of his face," Alfred smiled excitedly. "Okay..." I said, unsure. "Here, practice on me" Antonio smiled, coming to me. I nodded, standing up and seeing everyone stare at me. "It has to be flirty," Antonio added, crossing his arms and waiting for me to start. I breathed out a nodded.

"Wait!"Gilbert said, getting up and placing the blonde wig on Antonio's head. "Now go," he laughed, looking at me. I heard a clicking noise making me turn to see that Kiku had taken a picture of us. "Really?" I asked, confused. "We need something to laugh about later," he shrugged, putting the camera away. I rolled my eyes and blew the hair out of my face.

"Francis, let's have some fun," I said nervously as I moved the blonde hair out of Antonio's face and pushed it to the back of his ear. "That was great! Just try not to sound miserable," Lovino shouted, making me nod. "I.... think we will," I smirked at Antonio, winking. I started to see his face get red a bit, making me back up. "That was better," Feli cheered, making me nod, smiling. "I am starting to feel great about this!" I said happily, jumping up and down.

"Now then, let's go over some more date tips before we fix you up more," Gilbert laughed, taking the wig off of Antonio and putting it on himself. "Arthur.... let's make love," Gilbert asked in a French accent, making me hit his head. "Oh, shut it," I said, hitting my head slightly. We both sat down at the fake setup, and he started trying to act like Francis by blowing kisses at me. "Can we just skip over to the getting ready part?" I asked, annoyed at his impression of Francis.

"No, do one more round to help tomorrow night," Antonio said, pointing to Gilbert. "Fine," I whined. I looked back at Gilbert, smiling. "Francis, thank you for inviting me tonight" I smiled nicely at Gilbert, who started to trail off. "And look a little uninterested" I got mad at him as he looked at his fingertips. "Right," he laughed, looking back to smiling. Jeez, death is starting to sound a bit nice after today.

Thank you for reading so far!!! There will be more to come ❤️

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