Chapter twelve

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As we arrived at the hospital, Antonio led me to the room Francis was in. By then, I had texted Alfred and Kiku about the news. I walked into the room and saw him sitting up with a massive smile on his face as he scratched his head bandage a bit. "Arthur! I have been waiting a century" he laughed. I looked to his pinky, and it started glowing again brighter, as did mine. Maybe the reason it got so dim earlier was that it was a sign that Francis got hurt. "How the hell do you manage to get a head injury in a few seconds?" I asked looking at him. "Mon Ami, you never seem to hold back," he laughed. "Why did you ask Pablo over there to get me?" I asked, pointing to his friend. Francis laughed a bit. "You really are bad with names" he laughed touching my hand that was on the bed beside him.

"I just wanted to apologize for missing lunch" he smiled. Great! Now I feel bad. "No worries, that is not important. I am just glad you are okay," I added. "I have to go already, Lovino will be pissed if I don't get home before eight," Antonio smiled waving us off to leave. "How long do you have to be here?" I asked looking back to Francis. Hopefully, he does not stay long. It is not that I care or anything. It is just hospitals don't suit him. "Well, the doctor said I can leave tonight if I wanted to. But he would not recommend it since I live alone. That is something were to happen it would not be good," he added, laughing nervously. "Really? That is a shame," I said, looking down. Wait! This is my chance!

"How about you stay the night at my place, it is not much, but it is the least I can do for you" I smiled at him nervously. Hopefully, he does not think this is weird or anything. "Really?! That would be fantastic," he smiled, pulling me in for a hug. "Wait! What are you doing!" I said as he squeezed my body tighter. Am I supposed to hug him back? I wonder what Alfred would do in this situation. Oh, I know!!!!! "Yeah, dude, for sure!!" I laughed, putting my arm around his neck and pulling him into a headlock.

"Whoa! What are you doing?!" The doctor came in, pulling me away from Francis. Did I do something wrong? Francis breathed and started to laugh. "Sorry, I guess I did that wrong," I apologized, and they both looked at me, worried. "Did the headlock part wrong? Or the hugging me back?" Francis asked worriedly. "Uh.... hugging maybe?" I asked, confused, and the doctor nodded weirdly at me. Fuck! I am bad at this. "Sir, He is the one that will be taking me home and watching me," Francis explained. The doctor nodded, looking at me suspiciously as I tried to look away from him.

"Alright then... I will get the paperwork," the doctor said, slowly walking away. " I am sorry about that, I just did not know what to do in that situation, so I did what I thought Alfred would do," I explained, but I guess that did not help my case. Why can I not think straight with him? I suppose I would know what to do, but I guess not. "No worries," Francis smiled, standing up from the bed slowly. I breathed out, relieved. Maybe I should not tell Alfred and Kiku I put Francis in a headlock while he was in the hospital with a head injury. I am extremely stupid.


After finishing the paperwork, I called a taxi to come to get us and take us to my house. "Thank you again, Arthur" Francis smiled, putting a hand on my knee. Out of being nervous, I felt some shivers go up my spine as a blush went across my cheek. "It is no trouble, really" I laughed, taking his hand off my knee and patting it to himself. "Want to be careful with that" I laughed out trying to ease the mood. This is precisely why I never have been in a relationship before. "You are funny, Arthur" Francis smiled. This is the time to use my flirting skills. I breathed out, turning to him. "And you are very appealing to look at, in a human way" I tried to clarify that last part. He forwarded his brows, looking confused. "Thanks?" He said, unsure of what I just said. Where is Alfred when you need him?

"Welcome to my place! But you already know that" I laughed again, wanting to slap myself across the face. Arthur! If you don't get your shit together, I will hit you.
I opened the door to my house, letting him inside. "It always smells like tea in here" Francis laughed a bit. Francis took off his shoes and had a seat on my couch. "So, how have you been?" He asked, smiling a sweet smile at me. "It's been great..." I said, sitting down next to him, tired. He started to lean close to me as I pushed my head back against the chair. "You look cute when tired" Francis smiled. My eyes widened, and I tried to look away. "Thanks," I managed to say.

"You are very .....cute.....too" I tried to say. "Wow, you are actually capable of saying something nice," he laughed, coming closer. "Never mind, I take it back," I breathed, turning away and starting to glare. I felt him brush some of my hair to the side. "What are you doing?" I asked, seeing him so close to me. "Nothing... I was just fixing your hair a bit" he smiled innocently. I nodded at his response, moving some of his hair out of his face. "Likewise," I smiled, laying back down on the couch, trying not to fall asleep.

Thanks for reading so far :)

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