Chapter nine

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"Arthur! Hold me please."
"Please stop"
"Arthur I want a hug!"
"You are drunk."
"Arthur!!! Lay with me."
"Why not?"
"Because you are drunk, you stupid frog."
"That was mean."
"Yeah well, you need to stop," I told him as he turned away starting to pout.
"You are acting like a child."
"Am I a cute child at least?"
"God, no," I laughed at him. "Sleep in my guest room" I pushed him towards the room. "Will you lay with me?" He begged. "Why on earth would I do that?" I asked, annoyed. "Because you like me of course" he smiled, and I could feel my eyebrow twitch from frustration. "Not even close," I said handing him some clothes to change into.

"You are very nice, Arthur," he smiled at me, starting to strip. "Wait!!! Not here, go over there" I pointed to a restroom. "But you did it the last time" he tried to defend. "That was only but a shirt. You are trying to take off your- stop!" I said, trying to push him away from hugging me. "But Arthur!" He complained. "Fool! Stop acting like this! Hey, what are you doing? Stop" I screamed, pushing him off of me. "You are no fun," he said sadly. What is wrong with him? I don't understand what is happening. How on earth is this man supposed to be my soul mate?

"Just please change," I said, leaving the room finally. I walked into my room, holding my chest tightly. My heart would not stop beating uncontrollably. I have never been this embarrassed in my life before. I looked down at the string on my pinky and saw it really bright. I wonder why that is, I was not near Francis at all. I finally was able to breathe out and throw myself back onto the bed. "How did I get mixed up in this mess?" I asked myself, tired. I stood up from the bed to start to change. Hopefully, tomorrow he will be better.

The next morning, I was woken up by my alarm. Sadly.....I was also woken up seeing Francis in my bed. "What are you doing here?" I asked pushing him awake. He slowly looked around, confused. "I should be asking you the same thing," he said, getting up. I finally realized I was not wearing my shirt. "You stripped me?" I asked, confused. "Non.... I don't think I did," he said, confused, looking at me and at myself. "What happened last night?" He asked, confused. "You got stupid drunk and acted a fool," I explained, getting up and putting my shirt on. "In front of everyone?" He asked regretfully. "No, after they left, we stayed to drink longer; that is when you got drunk; you would not leave me alone," I said, holding my head, remembering last night's events.

"I am so sorry," he tried to apologize, getting up. "Don't worry about it. It happens," I tried to reassure him. I know what it is like to get stupid drunk, so I can't blame him there. "Let me make you breakfast," I smiled at him. "That would be nice" he smiled, and I nodded. I have never cooked for anyone, so I will try my best. I wonder what I should make. I guess I can make a traditional English breakfast for him. "Just take a shower and do something with yourself. Today is my day off anyway, so I do not mind you staying for a bit," I said as I showed him to the bathroom. "Thank you," he smiled at me entering the room. "I will leave clothes out for you in the guest room," I added before walking off.

I quickly got some spare clothes for him to wear and placed them on the bed. Afterward, I went to the kitchen to cook food. I tied an apron around my waist as I looked through the fridge for stuff to make with. I took out some eggs, sausages, and bacon. "I am sure he will love it," I smiled, turning on the stove. First, I started to cook the sausages and bacon together since they would take longer. As I did this, I put the kettle on.  As I let the meat cook, I cleaned up around my house a bit. Putting stuff away so it can look much tidier than it does now.

"I should get a shoe rack," I said to myself. I started to smell something weird. "Oh, the food!" I said, remembering I was cooking. I rushed over to turn down the stove and take the meat off onto a plate. "It is nice and crispy," I laughed nervously. I soon started to cook some over-easy eggs as I put some toast in the toaster. Francis sure does take a long time. I kept thinking as I started to make myself some tea. I looked at the eggs and finally decided to flip them. They came out a little crispy too. I like to cook for people. It makes me happy.

Once the toast popped out of the toaster, it looked crunchy.... too. I am sure Francis will like this. I would fall in love with myself too after this breakfast. I smiled at the thought of putting the eggs on a plate too. Once I finished setting everything at the table, I was about to check on Francis, but he came anyways. "What is that smell?" He asked, confused. "The great me has made you breakfast" I smiled at him crossing my arms. "Be amazed now" I smiled, proud of myself. I could hear him walk closer to look at the table.

"," he said. I opened my eyes, happy at his reaction. " I knew you would like it," I breathed out happily. I looked at him and saw his face was in shock. Probably from how well the food is. "Well... are you not going to eat?" I smiled, gesturing for a seat. He nodded slowly, smiling nervously. I wonder why he was so nervous. I started to smile at him while eating the food. "I am glad you like it; I worked hard on it" I smiled, pleased with myself. Yes, Francis, you may propose now.

The ending was really funny to write. Thanks for reading so far

The red strings (FrUK)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora