Chapter 7

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I never throw up from drinking, but here I am. Kneeling on a dirty bathroom floor with my head in the garbage bin. "Olivia, open the damn door" Roger shouted while knocking on the door. I waited a few seconds before opening the door for him and immediately going back to the bin. Roger sat down next to me, holding my hair back and rubbing my back. "Living the rock star life for one day and you already can't handle it" Roger said laughing. I sat down with my back against the wall, staring at him. He reached for my face and I pushed his hands away. "Don't try to kiss me you ass, I'm only your friend" I snapped at him. "I was getting the vomit off your chin, but fine keep it on there pukey face" Roger said laughing while cleaning off my face. "Olivia, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I haven't been taken with someone in a long time. I don't want to screw this up. I want you to be my girl. I want you at my gigs. I want you in my bed wearing my tshirt. I want you to draw and paint for me. I want you, Olivia." he said to me. I stared at him, feeling like an ass. "I want you, Roger. I'm sorry. My ex was- he played with me. He kept stringing me around. I fall had and I fall fast. I cannot stop once it starts. So when you said friend, my heart shattered." I said taking his hands. He pulled my hands to his face, kissing them. We both stood up, cleaning myself up a bit. I put my hair in a messy bun and we made our way out the backdoor. I was way too drunk to go back to the bar. We stopped at my flat to get a few things and then we made our way to Rog's flat. The walk to his flat consisted of hand holding and whispering sweet nothings. We changed into our pjs and jumped into bed together. I snuggled into his chest and fell asleep to the sound of him breathing.

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