Chapter 23

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We are meeting my sister at a small restaurant, nothing fancy. Roger kept squeezing my hand, saying how excited he was to meet my sister. He had a huge smile plastered across his face. I'm he was excited, I felt like I could vomit.

"She can be abit harsh, she's got that dry humor." I said quietly.

"I bet she's wonderful, she raised you and you're absolutely wonderful." Roger said kissing my hand.

We walked up to the restaurant and I could see Liz standing outside, aggressively smoking a cigarette. The same way she smoked one when she would be up waiting for me to come home way past curfew. As we approached her, Roger picked up the pace and Liz had a cheeky grin on her face.

"Olivia? You look different, you no longer look depressed and beaten down" she said pulling me in for a hug.

Liz always had a way with words. She is still wearing the same perfume she's always wore. I squeezed a little too tight but I didn't care. We broke away from each other and she put her hands on shoulders.

"Let's not go this long without seeing or talking to each other. God I missed you, missed your crazy ass." Liz wiping away her tears.

"Missed you too." I said quietly. She looked over at Roger, scanning him up and down.

"I know you, you're in Queen! I saw you in concert!" Liz shouted.

Roger smiled at her and flashed me a look. I didn't really tell my sister anything about him.

"Roger Taylor, I'm the drummer and I sing for Queen. I'm also Olivia's fiancee." Roger said putting his hand out for Liz to shake.

I never told Liz I was engaged and she looked at me with a confused look on her face. She shook Rogers hand, pulling him in for a hug.

"If we're gonna be family, we're gonna hug!" Liz said to him. Once they broke away from the hug, Liz turned to me.

"Engaged? If you're happy, I'm happy. Congratulations my little Olivia." She said taking my hand.

Roger opened the door for us and we walked on in taking a seat. We talked about everything we missed im the past year. I wanted to let her know I am truly happy with Roger. Updating her on every aspect of our relationship. How he takes care of me and loves me unconditionally. Liz told Roger stories about me as a child, staying away from the subject our father. They chatted about my art and how I should do Something with it. Roger pulled a scrap of paper from his wallet, it was the first doodle I made for him. Liz clutched her heart in awe. Roger talked the boys of Queen, his family, and how he wants to get us our own flat. The new flat was news to me, I put a mental pin in that to bring it up later. We talked about our engagement, Liz teared up. She was always a hopeless romantic and had a sweet spot for me.

"We're getting married March 12th, we'd love for you to come" Roger said taking Liz's hand.

"Of course I'm coming. I raised your girl, I have to be there!" Liz said smiling back.

"Freddie is going overboard with the wedding. I was fine with a bottle of champagne and pizza." I said laughing.

I never thought of having a huge wedding. I never thought I'd get married. I talked about Fred's planning and everything else wedding related.

"I almost forgot, happy birthday!" Liz said handing me a small gift box.

I opened it to find all new art supplies, new sketch books, and a picture frame with a picture of the two us from six years ago.

"Liz, I love it. Thank you!" I said hugging her.

"Hopefully we can update the picture soon!" Liz said smiling.

I squeezed her her for a minute and then pulled away. We sat there for a couple hours until it was time for us to leave. We made your way outside and started saying our goodbyes.

"It was an absolute pleasure to meet you, thank you for raising the woman of my dreams." Roger said hugging Liz goodbye.

They hugged for a hot minute then pulled away. I could hear him whispering something to her but couldn't make it out.

"She turned out alright, she's your problem now!" Liz said nudging me.

"Oh piss off! I love you, Liz" I said giving her a hug and a kiss goodbye.

"Love you too!" Liz answered back.

We parted and went our separate ways, Roger and I started back to the flat.

"You want to get a place together?" I asked.

"Of course, Queens doing well and I want us to have our own flat! Plus, Fred and I need a break. It'd be nice to be by ourselves. Unless you don't want that!" Roger Rambled.

I knew he was nervous when he started speaking like this.

"I don't make enough to split it. I can buy groceries and help out a bit." I mumbled.

"Olivia! I'm not making you pay for anything. Your money is for you. I'm taking care of you." Roger said stopping in the middle of the sidewalk.

He had a frown plastered across his face. Roger knew I liked my independence and he tried his best to give it to me. I grabbed his face and pulled him down for a kiss.

"How'd I get so god damn lucky?" I mumbled between kisses.

He kissed me back and smiled into my mouth. We stopped kissing and walked back to the flat. Once we got there, Fred, Jim, and Roger kept pestering me about what I wanted to do for my birthday. I kept telling them I wanted to stay in and have a few drinks but they told me to think bigger. They only stopped pestering me to make me open my gifts. Jim and Fred bought me a few new dresses and shirts. Freddie's fashion sense is amazing, always ahead of the trends. Roger bought me a beautiful necklace with his initials on it, a Bowie record and a few knew books. I thanked them all a dozen times, my face hurt from smiling. Roger put my necklace on, I traced my fingers over the RMT engraved on it.

Freddie dragged me into the bedroom and made me change into my new dress. Helping me with ny hair and make up.

"Roger would tie a rope around the moon and give it you if you wanted it." Fred said lining my eyes with eyeliner.

I looked up at him confused.

"He wants to give you the world, just let him. You deserve it. I know you don't think that way, but you do." He finished.

I smiled back at him, probably not convincing that I believe him. "Thanks Freddie" I said kissing his cheek. I was thanking him for getting me ready and talking to me.

Once we finished in the bedroom, we all walked down to a pub nearby to drink too much and to dance. When we walked into the pub, everyone was there for a small surprise party for me. I was making my rounds of saying my hellos, thank yous and giving hugs and kisses. The party was in full swing, booze and drugs being passed around. My heart flew out of my chest when I saw my sister walked through the door. I jumped from my chair, nearly falling over.

"Lizzzz!" I screamed while jumping on her.

"Roger invited me! Looks like I need to catch up." Liz said kissing my cheek.

Roger walked over with beers and shots for us. I introduced Liz to everyone. Ben was taking pictures throughout the evening. Everyone loved Liz and was excited to meet her. Roger Couldn't get over how alike we are. The night ended around 4 am with me collapsing on the bed, fully clothed. Roger undressed me and snuggled up next to me.

"Good birthday?" Roger asked.

"The best yet. Thank you Roggie, thank you for loving me like you do. I love you." I said half asleep, smiling at him.

"Never gonna stop. I love you. Get some sleep." Roger said pulling me close

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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