Chapter 8

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Over the next couple months, Roger and I settled into a routine. The semester had ended, so we had more time to relax and enjoy each other. I was only working at the pub a few nights during the week and Queen was having one or two shows a week. Veronica and I have become incredibly close. We would get ready together, meet up with Ben and Joe at the gigs, and we'd all hang out after. I never officially moved into Rogers flat, but all my stuff was there and my lease ended with Lucy and I never signed on again. Nothing against Lucy, I just hadn't been home in weeks. Roger and I are doing better than ever. We've become so domesticated with our life but on the weekends he was a rockstar. "I'm with the drummer" is my favorite line to tell people. Queen has gotten so big, touring bigger pubs. Every pub they play is packed and every crowd loves them. I wasnt surprised at all. They were meant to perform. I'm still not used to girls throwing their bras to Roger or trying to flirt with him after the shows. He always comes straight to me, giving me the biggest kiss and we always end up in his bed.

Today was one of the few days thay we had nothing going on. Rogers out shopping, while I'm home cleaning up. He's been busy for the past week with Queen related stuff and I've been helping Ben and Joe move. So Rog & I haven't spent much time together this week. We haven't had sex 8 days, which doesn't seem long. But when you go from doing it nearly every day to sometimes twice a day, it feels like a lifetime.

"Olivia, please come here love" Fred shouts from his bedroom. I walk to his room and jump on his bed. "Whats the crisis Fred?" I ask in a sarcastic tone. Everything was always over dramatic with Fred. "Jim & I are going to a club tonight and I don't know what to wear" Freddie said sitting on the ground surrounded by clothes. "Lets try some stuff on, come on! Fashion show" I exclaimed. Freddie had fantastic style. I was constantly borrowing his clothes. It took about 20 outfits before we decided on his black pants and floral blouse. I started putting eyeliner on him while he complained about Jims lack of PDA. I don't Blame him, Fred was wild in public. "Who cares about PDA? As long as your having sex behind close doors." I snapped back. "How long love? You seem tense" he asked. "8 days. And stop moving, I keep messing up." I responded. "Olivia!" He shouted while standing up, "I'm demanding you to do your boyfriend tonight! Wow, I look great!" He said while looking at himself in the mirror. We went to the kitchen and I poured us champagne. "I'm not like- does he not think I'm sexy anymore?" I asked speaking into my glass. "You sound ridiculous. You are hot and beautiful and Roger thinks so too" he said chugging his glass. "I have to leave, love" he said kissing my hand and walking out the front door. I poured my myself another glass. I put on The Temptations record and was trying to set the mood. I lit all the candles we had, I changed into my light blue baby doll lingerie and had a bottle of champagne waiting for us. I felt ridiculous sitting on the couch. I was only waiting for a few minutes before Rog came through the door. I shot up to greet him and he went straight to his room.

Well okay, I thought to myself. I followed him to his room and before he could say anything I shouted "Alright Rog, what the bloody hell! 8 days? I'm sat on your couch wearing lingerie and walk right past me? Are you over this?" Roger walked right up to me and gave me the most passionate kiss we have ever had. "It's not my couch, it's our couch. This is our flat. And you're my girlfriend. We share these things now. And I have been avoiding sex because I'll end up saying 'I love you' and I don't want to scare you away if you don't feel the sane way." Roger said holding my face. "You love me?" I asked him. "Of course I do." He answered kissing me again. He stopped to reach in his pocket. He pulled out this simple ring and said "it's not an engagement ring, though I would love to marry you. It's a promise ring." He slipped it on my finger. "I love you, I'm in love with you Roger Taylor" I said back to him. He picked me up and carried me back to our living room and said "I'm gonna pour us champagne and then we're making love till the sun comes up."

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