Chapter 19

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The week flew by and it was the 22nd, the morning we were leaving. I finished packing our bags and Roger took them down to the car. "I'll meet you downstairs, love." He said kissing my head. "Fred, Jim! Happy holidays mates. Don't destroy the flat or have sex in my bed." Roger said giving them both a hug and walking out the door. Fred laughed with a cheeky smile and Jim buried his face in his coffee. "My boys, I'm gonna miss you. Gifts for the both of you." I said hugging them tight and handing their gifts over. I painted them a picture each, I bought Fred a new top he's been eyeing in the shop, and for Jim I bought new shears for cutting his hair. I gave them a kiss goodbye and went to go meet Roger fown by the van. I hopped in and we started our journey. It was only a few hours away. We spent the car ride singing, talking about our future and Roger told me about his mum. "She takes care of me, treats me like a right baby. She's gonna ask if you want any of your clothes ironed. Just say yes." He explained laughing. I drifted off for a bit and when I woke up we were there. Roger ran out of the van, opened ny door, grabbed our bags and ran to the door. I followed behind him, my heart beating rapidly. "Mum!" Roger shouted jumping on his mum. They hugged for a minute before Roger pulled away. "Look at my boy! Are you getting taller? Eating enough?" She asked him smiling. "Mum, I'm very well taken care of. This is Olivia. My beautiful, talented, perfect fiancee. Olivia this is my mum, Winifred." Roger said introducing us. "Pleasure, Winifred." I said putting my hand out. "Olivia, put that away!" She said pulling me in for a hug. She hugged me for a solid 2 minutes telling me how excited she was Rog found me and thanked me for loving him. Rog brought our bags upstairs and Winifred lead us into the kitchen. It was strange and exciting to be in his childhood home. The house was covered in pictures of him and his sisters. Young Roger looked like cheeky boy. There were pictures of Queen that Roger had sent her. A Polaroid of him from the first gig I went to, nearly a year ago. He wrote on it 'my girlfriend took this. Isn't she talented?'. I forgot about that night, he looks so different even though it was 9 months ago. "He sent me a bunch. One's you took, ones of you two together. Love how many sugars in your cuppa?" She asked. "One and 3/7 sugars." I said without thinking, I was still looking at all the photographs. "Oh not you too, I already have to deal with Roger's nonsense!" She said back to me. "Sorry Winifred! Two is fine, I didn't mean to offend you. Mind if I sit?" I said back in a hurry. "Dear, I know it was a joke. Please sit!" She said laughing. She caught me up on some fun Roger stories. She had such a warm presence and she obviously loved Roger so much. She gave me a brief story about his dad leaving and how Roger picked up the pieces and helped his mum through it all. Roger returned from upstairs. "Were all unpacked and mum I tightened the faucet. It was leaking." He said sitting down. "Thank my sweet boy, wss just telling Olivia about you breaking your arm after jumping off the barn." She said laughing. "Learned I couldn't fly that day" Roger said laughing. The three of us chatted for a while before his mum got up. "I have to run to the shops for a bit and I'm meeting my sister for tea. Won't be back till dinner." She kissed Roger and gave ne hug before she left. "She's very kind. I like her a lot." I said to him. "She loves you." Roger said smiling. "There's still time." I said back. Roger stuck his hand out and gave me a tour of the house. It was a quaint home and very very homey. Everything about it screamed "love and family". He finished the tour with his childhood bedroom. "The main attraction!" He said opening the door for me. His room reminded me of his room at our flat. It was colorful but also dark. This room was clean, probably because he wasn't there to destroy it. I jumped on his bed, getting comfortable. "You are the fittest girl I've ever had on my bed. Actually, you're the only girl I've ever had on my bed." He said crawling towards me. I found it ridiculous That Roger was a shy teen. He on top me he put his hand my thigh. "Why the hell are you so tense?" He asked laughing. I'm trying to be more honest about how I feel, so i decided to go for it. "I'm terribly overwhelmed. Your mum, this house, your bed. All of this is so foreign to me. You know I slept on a couch for 16 years? Didn't even have a bedroom, let alone a bed. Not to mention your mum, I'm terrified she's gonna hate me if I say the wrong the thing." I said, explaining myself. Roger flipped us over so he was on the bottom and I was sitting in his lap. "Olivia, you never told me you didn't have a bed. I'm sorry, my love. My mum loves you because I love you. I haven't told her the personal details of your family life. But you can if you want. She'll have a better understanding of who you are." He said pulling my face close, kissing my nose. "This is why I don't tell people because they take pitty on me. Let me tell her that her perfect boy is engaged to a walking disaster. I'm not trying to fight. I love you." I said looking him in the eyes. "Love you more" he said crashing his lips into mine. We kept kissing and suddenly all of our clothes were off. We made love in his childhood bedroom. After we finished, we took a quick nap. I kept apologizing for getting pissy with him but he reassured me he wasn't mad. His mum would be home soon and Roger wanted to make dinner for hid mum. "I only know three dishes, and one is tea." I said laughing. He grabbed a cookbook and flipped for a recipe. He was nervous and wanted to impress his mum. He settled for a chicken dish with vegetables. He finished with just enough time to clean up and set the table. His mom walked through the door and said "Smells delicious, Olivia!". She came by us and sat down at the table. "Not me, all Roger!" I said smiling, placing my hand on his arm. I was proud oh him. "You didn't cook? Oh, okay." She said making herself a plate. I brushed it off as nothing and we all settled in to eat dinner. Winifred kept asking me questions about myself. They started off normal, like where I grew up, my job, how hard is it with Roger on tour. Then they moved on to very personal. I lied about my family, not wanting to unwrap that just yet. Once we finished, I offered to clear the table and do the dishes. Roger and his mum went into the sitting room for tea. I took my time, needing a break. I was past overwhelmed snd didn't have a word for how I felt. I excused myself to upstairs and dropped down on Rogers bed. Falling asleep to his laugh coming from downstairs.

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