Chapter 20

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I woke up in Roger's childhood bedroom alone. His side of the bed untouched. The house was silent out of the room. I changed into clothes, made the bed, brushed my teeth, and tip toed downstairs. I saw Roger asleep on the couch with a note on the end table from his mum saying she would be gone till dinner. I went to the kitchen to start the kettle and make sone toast. I sat in silence at tbe table. Trying to piece together how Winifred went from being very kind to me to interrogating me because I didn't cook. I finished my toast, leaving the kettle on for Roger. I jumped on top if him, waking him up. "That's a rough wake up." He said smiling and pulking me down for a kiss. "I had a rough sleep without you. Why didn't you come up?" I asked him. "Got chatting with my mum, knocked out. Sorry love!" Roger apologized to me. "Your mum doesn't think I'm good enough for you. I can tell." I spat out like word vomit. Roger sat us up on the couch, he turned to me and kissed my nose. "It's not that, my dad left and I've been taking care of everyone and everything. She's worried I'm never gonna be taken care of." he said. "Are you joking? Does she think it's 1952? Should I put on dress, an apron, bear your sons and be the perfect house wife? We take care of each other, we always have." I said in a pissy tone. Roger bursted into laughter. "That's what I told her! She doesn't quite understand how times have changed. She'll come around. Please don't become some 50's house wife. And please only wear an apron If there's nothing underneath it." He said pulling me in his lap. He smashed his lips into mine, shoving his tongue in my mouth. I started to grind on his crotch, feeling his dick getting harder, his moans were letting me know he didn't want me to stop. "Fuck! Olivia!" He moaned into my mouth. I took off both of our shirts abd his hands went directly to my breasts. Squeezing them and pulling my nipples gently. He dropped his face between my breasts, sucking on the gently at first then harder. I grabbed a fist full of his long blonde hair and pulled hard. Both of us moaning. I kept grinding on him, picking up the pace. I felt Roger's body tense up as he squeezed me as hard as he could, followed by a long and loud moan. "Sorry, Olivia. You look so fit and I couldn't control myself" he said resting his head on my shoulder. "What are you talking about?" I asked. He picked his head up and gestered to the wet spot on his briefs. "It's okay Rog." I said kissing his forehead. We jumped off the couch and went upstairs to shower and change. After we finished, Roger and I walked into town. He should be around his old neighborhood, telling me stories about his childhood. His face lit up as he tild these stories. He was shy when it came to girls but wild when he was with his friends. He brought us to a small restaurant, he told me it's his favorite here. As were sitting down eating, Roger and I discussed the wedding more. We decided on a just doing it at Alfie's, small guest list, small bridal party. Keeping it about us and our new life together. The manager paid for our meal, she was someone who helped raised Roger. We aaid thank you and left. We too a local pub, Rog wanted to introduce me to a few people who hang our there. Everyone shouted "Roger!" as we walked in, he really was a local celebrity. They didn't didn't think of him as Roger Taylor, drumner and singer for Queen. He introduced me as his fiancee to everyone there. He caught up with a few old friends and we all sat drinking together. We didn't stay too long, Rogers mum was making dinner for us and we didn't want to be late. "They love you here." I said smiling, taking his hand and kissing it. "Nah, they just missed my pretty face." He said followed by a laugh. The walk home felt short and soon we arrived back at the house. I was a bit buzzed but didn't want Winifred to notice. "About time, dinners getting cold!" she said. I didn't know if she was joking or not. "Got caught up at the pub, everyone wanted to meet my Olivia. Sorry mum." He apologized to his mum. "You know your father sat on a bar stool. You don't need to be doing that or any influencing that behavior." She said. She might as well have said I'm terrible for him. "Mum, it wasn't Olivia forcing me to stay. I wanted to stay. I'm an adult." He said kinda forceful. We sat down to eat, sitting in an awkward silence. I never ate so fast in my life, excusing myself to Rogers room. Before I could make it in his room, I heard a cupboard door slam shut followed by Rogers voice, "Mum, I'm not dad. Back the hell off". I hurried into the room and Roger barged through the door a second later. "We're leaving in the morning. She's not gonna disrespect you and treat me like I'm my dad." Roger snapped, he started packing our bags. I've only heard a few details about his dad, and they weren't good. "Rog, tell me about him. I'll let you know." I said pulling him away. Roger sat on the bed and let it all out. He told me how his dad was a drunk and drug addict. He couldn't hold down a job and he took everything out on his mum and him, emotionally and physically. Once his dad left, Roger had to put his mum back together and keep moving forward. He was now crying uncontrollably. "I don't wanna be him." He said to me. "You're not your dad, Rog. You are Roger Meddows Taylor. You are my fiance. You are perfect." I said kissing him gently. He nestled into my arms and we went to bed.
I woke up to an empty bed aandbd our bags missing. I changed into an outfit Rog had left on the bed, straighten up at went downstairs. He was sitting on the couch with his mum and shot up when I came downstairs. "Ready!" He said. I nodded yes. He kissed his mum and said, "I'll call soon, love you". He walked out the door and it was just me and Winifred. "Winifred, I know you think I'm not good enough or that maybe I'm a bad influence on Roger. But I'm not. I was terrified to meet you, I grew up without a mum and a father who resents me. I don't know how to act around a mother. From what I can see, you are a brilliant mother. You raised a brilliant man, who takes care if me and I take care of him. He is not his father. Our wedding is in March, I hope you'll come. If not I understand. Have a nice Christmas." I said softly and turning to walk out the door. "Olivia, just please take care of him." she said back. I ran to the car and jumped in. Kissing Roger and holding his face. "We don't need our blood family. We have each other and our friends right." He said to me. "Us, only us." I said kissing him back. We drove back to London two days early

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