Chapter 16

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We waited until everyone arrived to tell them the news. Roger stood up on the bar and pulled me up. "Everybody shut up for a minute!" He screamed stomping his foot on the bar. The room fell silent and all eyes were on us. "Earlier tonight, I proposed to Olivia and she said yes!" Roger shouted while popping a bottle of champagne. The room was filled with smiles, congratulations, and everyone cheering. Roger turned to me and gave me kiss. We jumped off the bar and were first greeted by Fred and Jim. "Roger. You didn't tell me you were going to propose!" Fred said shoving him as a joke and pulling him in for a hug. Jim hugged me and grabbed my hand to look at the ring."Beautiful ring, Olivia" Jim and Fred said. "I cannot stop looking at it. It's beautiful" I said staring at Roger. "Was hard to find a ring that's as beautiful as my love." Roger said. Ben and Joe ran up to us, greeting us with hugs and congratulations. "Let's get a picture of you two." Ben said. Roger and I stood next to each as Ben used my Polaroid to take a couple pictures. "Get the wives together!" Fred said pushing Jim and me together. We kept the photoshoot going until we were interrupted by Brian, Anita, Deaky, and Veronica. We exchanged hugs, kisses and they gave us congratulations. "So when is the date?" Brian asked us. "We think in about 3 months, so sometime in March. That'll be around our one year." We both explained. Deaky gave me a hug and Veronica pulled me aside. "Olivia, I'm sorry. I was completely rotten to you for no reason. I was insecure. You and John will always have a closeness that I'll never have. But I know now that it's just a true friendship." Veronica said wiping a few tears off her face. "I'm sorry too, I spent my life looking after Deaks. I know that's your job now, it was hard to just stop." I said. "John told me you helped him with what's going on. Thank you for helping and thank you for the ring. I'll give it back after the wedding." She said. "Keep it, it's my gift to you and Deaky." I said pulling her into a hug. We went to join the crowd. "Oh please tell me that we are done with you two and the drama!" Fred said dramatically. We both gave him a shove. Deaky looked at me and I gave him a nod. "Not to steal your limelight, but Veronica and I are pregnant. I proposed earlier tonight and the wedding is New Years Day." Deaky said pulling Veronica in tight. Everyone congratulated them, asking a thousand questions. "We all know Bri is the best man!" Fred said. "Actually, Liv is my best woman." Deaky said with a smirk. The party officially got started, everyone eating and drinking. Anita, Veronica and I talked about the two upcoming weddings and started to plan them out. The boys started pounding beers and writing new songs. The party went on until 3 am, no surprise there. We had enough food, liquor, and coke to last us all night. Roger, Fred, Jim, and I stumbled home together. Roger kept teasing Fred about him not being his best man. It was hilarious watching Fred list reasons why he should be the best man. This lasted the whole walk home, even once we got in the apartment. "Give it a rest Fred, you are giving us all a headache!" Jim said as he pushed Freddie into their room. Roger and I collapsed on the bed, planning our wedding in between kisses. "Do you want a big wedding? Small wedding? We gotta start planning!" Roger asked me, kissing my nose. "I just want to be married to you." I snuggled into neck, kissing him gently. "Doesn't answer my question love -" Roger said but was cut of by Fred barging through the door. "Fred what the bloody hell!" Roger said laughing. Freddie jumped on the bed and I pulled the blanket up to cover myself. "Olivia, I don't that care that your naked. If you had a penis, I'd be interested. Now Roger, is there something you want to ask me?" Freddie said. His face was an inch away from Rogers. "Will you please be my best man Fred?" Roger said pushing him away. "This is unexpected, but of course Rog!" Fred said giving Rog a big hug, being over dramatic as always. Jim came into the room, apologized for Freddie and brought Fred back to their room. It's clear Fred is going to be a big part of our lives. Never getting rid of him, not that I'm complaining. "Since were getting married. I'd like you to meet my mum. She's 2 hours away. We can go for Christmas. God she's gonna love you. We can come home before your birthday on the 27th. Celebrate the big 20!" Roger said to me. He was so excited. The first night we met, Roger told me that it was just him and his mum. His dad was a bad guy and he hadn't seen him in years. "Of course, I'd love to meet her." I answered. I only ever told Roger 4 things about my family: I'm the youngest of 7, my mum took off two weeks after I was born, my dad never said it but he hated me, I left home at when I was 16 and never went back. It's been 4 years since I've seen them, Roger knew better than to ask if I wanted to phone my family. "It's gonna be great Olivia. All our family and friends there to celebrate us." Roger said running his hands through my hair. I sat there thinking about meeting Rogers mum, I don't have one myself. I'm terrified that she's gonna hate me. A thousand thoughts were running through my mind. The thoughts were interrupted by Roger. "Shit love, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I know you don't want your family there. Are there any other family members?" Roger said comforting me. "You did nothing wrong! I don't really have family. My sister and I use to talk but we stopped when I was with my ex. She saw that he was a bad guy before I did. It's been two years. Besides my family is Queen, the girls, Ben and Joe." I reassured Roger. I didn't want to tell him I was nervous about meeting his mum. "Your right, we are all a family. But if you wanted to phone your sister, I support you." Roger said back to me. "Goodnight, love." I said kissing his lips. He kissed me back and we rolled over to cuddle. Roger fell asleep fast, his snoring was such a comforting sound at this point. I loved falling asleep to the sound of my fiance snoring.

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