Chapter 15

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Queen had finished their last few shows, ending with a great final show. I was happy our lives are going back to normal. Well what is considered normal now. I was staying up all night with Roger and Fred as they wrote their songs. I would watch them and work on my paintings. Then they'd head head off to the studio to meet Deaky and Brian. Jim and I would occasionally go to the studio but not that often. Anita and Brian had started dating and she became a close friend of mine and also Veronica's. We'd all hang out occasionally but Deaky and Veronica never stayed to long. Christmas was approaching and I was throwing a holiday party at Alfies. I was at the flat cooking appetizers and getting everything to bring over. Fred and Jim were out with Jim's friends, they are coming to Alfies a bit later. Roger went out shopping for my Christmas gift. I told him I wanted to give him his gift tonight and he didn't have one for me yet. So that's why he's out doing last minute shopping. I told him it wasn't a big deal but he already feels about having left me when he went on tour. I hope he doesn't go crazy, I didn't. I painted a simple portrait of Roger on a new skin for his drum kit. Roger knew he was beautiful and had no problem letting people know he knew. I'm nearly ready to leave when I hear three loud knocks. "Liv, Liv, Livia! Please open up!" Deaky shouted. He was the last person I thought would be at my door. I opened up the door and Deaky barged his way in and sat at the table. "I need a beer and so do you." Deaky said to. "Listen Deaks, we literally haven't spoke it nearly 5 months. Now you show up, demanding beer? What the hell? How about a 'hey Olivia, sorry my girlfriend and I treated you like shit!'. What the hell Deaky!?" I shouted handing him a beer. Deaky chugged half his beer and I did the same. "Liv, I'm sorry. I'll take whatever you want to say to me. I know I was an ass. So was Veronica, she'll be at the party tonight. She wants to apologize too. But I'm in trouble." Deaky said wide eyed. Deaky and I were always each others person. 3 am, 3 pm no matter what, no questions asked. I knew something bad had happened. "You are a bloody wanker and I need more than that apology. But what's up?" I asked him. "Veronica's pregnant. She missed her period and took a test. Her parents are very catholic and are probably gonna kill me. I don't know what to do." Deaky said. I could hear it in his voice how freaked out he was. "Do you love her?" I asked. It was a dumb question, I knew he loved her. "With my whole heart. Love her more than anyone." He responded. "Okay, let's propose, have ourselves a wedding, and she gives birth 'early'. It's not that hard, I'll help with everything. You know I'm here for you!" I said. "Livia, you are the best friend I've ever had. Will you please be my best woman?" Deaky said pulling me in for a hug. First time I hugged him in nearly 5 months. I nodded yes into his neck. I never wanted to let go, but we have a party to get to and an engagement to plan."I have no ring to propose with Liv." Deaky said, he was clearly freaking out. I slipped off my promise ring and handed it to him. "Use this. I'm sure Roger is upgrading my ring as we speak." I said smiling. "You are the most perfect best woman." Deaky said laughing. "Go! Go propose to your girl and come celebrate later" I said walking him to the door. "I don't deserve you Liv. Love you!" Ge said kissing my hands and running out the door. I'm glad to have my best mate back. My heart was so happy and happier Deaky was starting this fun new chapter in his life. I gathered my stuff and made my way to Alfies. I was excited to get everyone together before everyone made their separate ways for their Christmas holiday. The owner closed down the pub tonight for us, so I was all alone. I put on a Bowie record, pour myself a beer, and started setting up. The door busted open and Roger came charging in. "Good no ones here!" He said smiling at me. He picked me up and planted a huge kiss on my lips. "Want your gift?" I asked. "You are already my gift. But yes!" Roger said putting me down. I handed him the large, flat box. Once he opened it, his eyes lit up. "No bloody way. This is amazing! You never stop surprising me! I love it and I love you!" Roger said taking my hands. "I love you" I said kissing him. "Where's your ring?" He asked, his smile turning into a frown. I told Roger everything that happened. "Just glad you guys are mates again. So your not getting it back?" Roger said to me. "Who knows. Gonna miss it, loved it so much." I said back. We both laughed it off and Roger helped me finish decorating. I was standing on a chair to hang a mistletoe. "Love, do you know where your standing?" He asked smiling at me. "On a chair in a pub? Hand me the tape, please." I said looking at him. He stared back at me smiling. "Rog, the tape. PLEASE." I shouted. "Forget the bloody tape. Where your standing is where you were when I first met you." He said with a smirk. "Oh yeah, still embarrassed." I said blushing. "I came over, grabbed you and held you like this" Roger said recreating our first encounter. He held me like that for a few seconds, kissing my lips gently. "I knew I was in love you from that moment. I looked at you and thought 'I'm gonna marry that girl', I didn't care that we just met." Roger said putting me down on the ground. I knew I loved him from the first time I met him. I knew I wanted to be with him. "Rog," I started to say but stopped myself when I saw him getting down on one knee and pulling out a ring. "Olivia, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I love you and I want to marry you. That is if you want to marry me." Roger said, his voice was cracking from how nervous he was. "Of course!" I said jumping on him. We fell to the ground, kissing on the dirty pub floor. He slipped the ring on my left hand and kissed my hand. "I love you, Rog. So much." I said holding his face and whispering to him. "Want to celebrate?" Roger said pulling us both up. "We can make the holiday party our engagement party. Deaky and Veronica's too!" I said smiling. "Not what I had in mind" Rog said leading us into the pub bathroom. We made love for the first time as fiance's, right there in the pub bathroom. It was emotional and raw. Both whispering 'I love you's' and sweet nothings. We finshed with enough time to fix ourselves and meet everyone else. "Let's go tell everyone, I wanna show my fiancee off to everyone" Roger said my left hand and walking us to the crowd.

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