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Eventually, or maybe a few minutes later, a hurried old lady rushed to my side.

"You be new arrival... excellent." she muttered. She hurriedly ran to grab scissors and untied me, but not before warning me.

"Don't try run. Many guard. Many camera. Will catch you." she said in clipped English. I let out a groan as I shook my shoulders and stretched my arms. The lady watched me, waiting until she took my wrist and led me through the long hallways.

She was short, extremely short. I could knock her over if I wanted to, but I wasn't willing to risk myself with the "many guards."

Finally, after ages of awkwardness, and me being led forward by a wrinkled old raisin, we arrived at a snow white door. There were multiple other doors along the hallway, with pictures of men and women alike on the walls, and cute white windows along the other side. The women pushed on the golden handle and shoved me in, then locked the door swiftly. When it clicked shut behind me, I turned and pounded on it a few times.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" I hollered. The old lady paused, then replied, muffled,

"This you new room sir." The patter of feet alerted me she was gone, and I slumped down in irritation and exhaustion. "This is not, and never will be my home." I mutter, but my stomach squeezed. Where would my home be? My trash excuse of a mother was dead, and my father.

Raising my head, I was a bit surprised to see a decent bedroom. It was large, larger than my old room that's for sure. A white framed bed sat in the center, with large blue gray comforter with stripes on it, and a darker blue gray sheet underneath. The pillows were a dark navy blue, with a dotted zigzag pattern on them.

The floor was white carpet, but from the foot of my bed almost to the door lay a soft multi-shade sea foam colored rug, a bit like the wall color. I shed my dirty, muddy, worn sneakers by the door, along with my yellow socks and I ran my hand over the bed. A closet was on the wall parallel to the bed, and I was surprised to see that it had a few t-shirts of different sizes, skirts, dresses and shorts as well. Summer clothes. We weren't able to afford such things, it was one pair of clothes a week, sometimes two.

Next to the dresser also contained a large wooden dresser, it was polished and fine, better than anything I've owned.

There was an adjoining room, which had the pale pink walls, but with wooden flooring. I walked over, there was no door, but there were many fancy items I had never seen before.

Two bookshelves sat on the wall, with two comfortable looking plush white chairs, with a glass coffee table in between, and a mini plant on it.

Then I spotted the mini-fridge. A mini fridge. It was small, sleek and black, and when I rushed over, it was stocked with soda, chips, and other goodies I only tasted once or twice. Cracking open some Fanta, I give a small sigh at the fizzy goodness.

There was also a door, which I opened and it led to a bathroom, with cream marble decor, and a huge bathtub. There was no shower, which I found strange but it was better than what I was asking for.

To me, the strange thing was, it all seemed very... feminine. I could conclude my thoughts when I saw the bucket of women's items sitting on the bathroom counter. Snorting, I turned and shed my red jacket, as well as my patchy jeans and stained black tee and flopped on my bed.

Feminine or not, I could totally get used to this.

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