Episode 11 Bomberman VS Dig Dug

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My eleventh for episode 11

Bomberman belongs to Konami.

Dig Dug belong to Namco Bandai.

Death Battle belongs to Screwattack.

RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum (R.I.P).

Bustedtees and soundtrack belong to their respective owners.

I own NONE of the Copyright.


It's nearly 7 a.m and the four girls were still asleep and each were in their own set of dreams.

Ruby was dreaming of being the greatest huntress she'll ever hope to ever become alongside her sister, Blake and Weiss, friends and comrades with eradicating the Grimm off the face of Remnant and bring harmony. She also had a few dreams of cute boys wielding all kinds of sharp and deadly weapons that are sexy to Ruby's eyes that really made her feel butterflies in her stomach.

Weiss was dreaming of taking her father's position of the Schnee Dust company and finally ending its corruption along with reducing all the hard physical labors to borderline slavery into shorter and more tolerated tasks for faunus and humans alike who are working for the company; making the company more well received and trustworthy. She also dreamed of a few handsome boys, especially tall, blond and scraggly ones (not Jaune, even though he's handsome as well).

Blake was dreaming of finally stopping the White Fang and bringing justice to the whole world of Remnant and bringing true peace between man and Faunus alike. Despite that she left him for so long as well as no longer being with him, Blake still has missing feelings for Adam and she still remembers and misses his warm, gentle embrace when they cuddled. Blake is now dreaming of those tight, hard muscles as well those soul piercing eyes behind that mask that is now turning her face red from the erotic dream again.

Yang's dreams are nearly the same; Yang going places across Remnant while kicking ass and teasing an older man into fooling she's a ditz who doesn't know what she's doing, then punches him when she is about to give him a kiss, right after grabbing his noodle in a painful, iron like grip. She prefers to enjoy fighting younger teenage boys around her age for fun as well as flirting them and giving them some "sugar" when their "dancing of fighting" is done. Some of the boys in her dreams resemble many of her past boyfriends she used to date and kiss. One in particular was her favorite and the closest she ever loved at heart; tall, tanned, handsome, brown hair, thick muscles, lots of belts, a lazy attitude and badass at wielding a blade that burns hot. Yang was twisting and turning in her bed while her face was red as a tomato.

Their dreams that are now becoming wet dreams were interrupted by a loud beeping noise. Everyone woke and slightly groaned that it all had to end right now. Yang wasn't controlling her strength and smashed their digital alarm clock to bits… again. Yang is paying the damage this time.

Everyone got up and and made their beds.

After everyone was up and ready, they headed to the showers, cleaned themselves, got dressed and headed to the cafeteria for breakfast. The plans today are getting ready for the upcoming tests tomorrow and the Project from Oobleck is due Wednesday. The tournament is still many months away but they can already feel the excitement that they will all enter the tournament.

When they reached the cafeteria, they decided to grab some breakfast; Today is pancakes, buttered toast, sausages, orange juice, hash browns, bacon, eggs and a special omelette created by a senator in Vale who is known as the chef of the "Mother of all omelettes". Ruby and Yang especially love the Mother of all omelettes which they have every time it's served at Beacon.

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