Chapter Four~Hiking Heart To Heart

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It was Saturday, and I laid in bed, trying to go back to sleep after looking at my phone, and realizing it was only 7am.

I had stayed up so late last night talking to Ace. It was nice talking with him. He was funny and open, and made things out not to be big deals, even if they were. He looked like a bad boy, with his long hair and leather jacket, but he's probably the sweetest person I've met, besides Angie.

I shut my eyes with a content sigh and folded my arms beneath my head.

I felt a large weight flop down on my chest. "Morning loser." Angie said.

"Morning." I grumbled and opened my eyes. "How are you doing?" I asked playing with her hair.

"Better." Angie said.

"I'm glad." I said hugging her tightly.

"So," Angie began. "How long were you up last night talking to Ace?" She asked with a sly grin.

"I don't know, like, to 2 or 3 am, maybe? I don't know I lost track of time." I groaned stretching.

"He's really cute." She commented.

"Bitch you're gay." I chuckled flicking her in the head.

She rolled off me, laying next to be. "I'm gay not blind." She said rolling her eyes.

Angie was sarcastic a lot of the time, but it was just a cover up for how sensitive she is. She was looking at her ashy, blonde hair with gentle sage eyes, a small smile on her lips, and a her nose piercing out.

"Hey, want my mom to do something with your hair?" I asked her. "It could use a trim."

"Please. It's too long." She flattened out her hair above her head, and it was pretty long, a straight line cut right beneath her shoulder blades.

"Okay, then let's have her do it now, because she gets her first client soon." I said standing up.

Angie sat in my mom's salon chair, chewing gum and starring at her phone, while Mom got to work on her hair.

"How short?" She asked running her fingers through it.

"Shoulder length." Angie smiled before turning to me. "What should we do today?" She asked.

I thought about it for a second before listing off ideas. "Fishing, sight seeing, see a movie, go skating, trampoline park, hiking-"

"Oh, let's do that!" Angie said excitedly. "And then after we can get lunch and ice cream, then come back here and watch a bunch of movies! Oh, and we can invite Ace over, maybe he could get his hair brushed and cut and stuff too."

"Whose Ace?" Mom mumbled with a hair clip in her mouth.

"Alright, sure." I said. "He just started working at the after school center with us Mom. His hair is kind of..." I started.

"A mess." Angie laughed.

"Yeah, that." I pulled out my phone and checked the time, it was 7:30 am, before pulling up his messages. I hope he's awake.

Me:Hey Ace. Angie and I are going to go hiking and grab some food. You down? There is a catch though.

Ace:... what's the catch?

Me:You have to let my mom fix you're hair.

Ace:Mmmmmmm......fine, I remember your address from yesterday, I'll be over in 20.

Me:Great, see you soon.

"He's on his way." I said to Angie. "But, Mom, his hair is like, really a mess. It's all spilt ends and dry." I said standing up.

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