Chapter Thirteen~So Maybe I'm Not Okay

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*915 words*

It wasn't like I wasn't scared. I was terrified. My legs were shaking so badly I thought I could here clank against each other like uncooked spaghetti noodles. I hated days like these. Days where there was no school, so more elementary aged kids would be at the after school center.

I took a shaky breath and walked to the break room.

There, I sat with my legs pulled up and my head in my hands.

Nothing seemed real anymore. There were so many coincidences piling on top of each other other and I couldn't believe everything was true.

How is it, that my father adopted the girl Ace's family used to Foster? And how is it that we saw Careine and whoever the other girl was, at a pride event? So either Careine is a part of the community, or she's an ally. Either way, it won't be safe for her with my dad once he finds out.

That's way too many coincidences. They can't all be true. At least one of them has to be a lie, right? The universe doesn't hand out coincidences like they hand out tragedy.

I used to read books, and question why every character has a tragic backstory. But then I grew up, and my father threw a glass up at me. He made the walls shake.

I realized that everyone has a tragic backstory. No one lives without trauma. Whether it be watching a person's lies crumpling like cake between my fingers, getting kicked out of your house, getting into an accident, or even watching a friend lose someone important to them.

I hear the door open, And the heavy sigh of a tired soul.

I picked my head up, to see Elle lean against the door and slide into the floor, the muffled giggles of children ringing in our ears.

She tilted her head back and crossed her legs with a shaky breath.

"Elle? Are you okay?" I asked sliding on to the floor and sitting next to her.

"I could be better," she smiled grimly. "I'm moving again," she pulled her legs to her knees. "Into a small apartment down town closer to my dad's job and more affordable. The only thing is that the building doesn't allow pets, so we have to find my dog a new home."

"I'm so sorry Elle," I said. She's been a more reserved co-worker, but whenever she did talk about her personal life it was always about money. She'd mumble out loud calculating her pay check and what she could buy with the money. I didn't realize how bad it was.

"Will you still be able to work here?"

She shook her head. "We're leaving in a month, and we've been trying to find Bella a new home for over a month, and no one wants her since she's 12 years old and has health problems."

I know that I can't help her in anyway. So many people are hurting, and I can't help anyone.

I can't help Angie, Elle, Mom, Ace, Danny, Careine, Nia, or myself. I'm helpless. I feel like i'm trapped in my own head, unable to reach the outside world around me. And the world around me is collapsing, and my bubble of protection is crumbling, while everyone else is already wounded.

I lifted my head, to the sound of the door, and I saw Ace standing against the door looking down at me with tired eyes.

"Hi Ace, " Elle yawned.

Ace waved before sitting beside me and groaning.

The three of us sat on the floor for a little while, before getting back to work. As we did I kept thinking of ways to give everyone a night off from existing.

I wonder if a carnival sounds like fun. It's a little loud and crowded, but I should be okay if I take my meds. I thought about it thoroughly before grabbing my phone and making a group chat with Ace, Angie, Elle, Nia, Melany, Rachel, Danny, Cas, Caleb and I.

Me: Are y'all free friday? I was thinking we could go to the carnival and escape reality for a while.

Angie: Hell yeah!

Caleb: If you're going I'm going!

Danny: I guess I'll tag along!

Nia: I got final exams sorry!

Elle: I'll come!

Melany: I'm so down!

Rachel: Sam has a dr appointment so I won't be coming :(

Cas: I'm down!

Ace: Well with this big of a crowd how could I possibly say no?

ugh I know this is short and also hi omg i'm so sorry i disappeared for like 6 months. I started high school and I was accepted into the creative writing program at my school and i'm in 2 pre-ap classes and i'm also a part of a club that takes up a lot of time. And a bunch of other responsibilities. honestly I might just cancel this story (im sorry to those who like it) but the creative writing program has been zapping a lot of my creative juices and i'm just not invested in any of my stories here on wattpad anymore.

I'll probably continue agape (it's getting a new cover soon) my poetry and short story collection, but that will probably be the only one I work on for a while.

maybe I'll pick up some of my stories when summer rolls around again so until I write the next story/poem for agape, peace out and goodbye for now I guess <3

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