Chapter Five~There's A Storm Coming Tonight

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*4157 words*

I rubbed my arms as we continued on the trail. It was colder than I thought it would be, and i thought a long sleeve shirt would work just fine, but I was freezing.

"Are you cold?" Ace asked holding a branch out of my face.

"Freezing." I chattered climbing over a fallen tree.

"Do you want my jacket?" He asked already taking it off.

"Please." I said as he handed me his leather jacket.

I put my arms through the sleeves and was instantly warmer. The jacket was a little big on me, but I didn't mind because at least my teeth weren't chattering anymore.

"Thanks." I sighed. He nodded as we came to the next waterfall. There were a few on the trail, but this one was definitely the largest. I liked coming to this one because the loud static like sound it made was calming and it made me feel more at ease. It helped me stop thinking, since the roaring of the waterfall was always louder than my thoughts.

I leaned against the railing and felt the mist spray my face. This was a really important place to my family. It was where my mom and dad got engaged, and it was where my mom threw her ring after I had come out.

Angie and I would come here to study or to escape the world. It was like the waterfall made time stop. We could stay here forever and never age, not a single second would tick by as we stood here.

Ace stood next to me leaning on the railing as well. I looked at his neck and saw a silver chain with a small copper capsule. The necklace he was talking about earlier. My gaze traveled to his arm, and saw a little bit of a tattoo on his arm. I'll make sure to ask him about it later.

"We should start heading back." I said to the waterfall.

"Yeah." Ace said with a sigh.

Neither of us moved for a while. We just stood starring at the waterfall and breathing. I wasn't even thinking. I was just existing. Time stopped, until it didn't, and we were walking down the trail back to the car.

"So Angie..." Ace started.

"She's crazy." I deadpanned. "And just when you think you've reached the bottom of her craziness, there's a crazy under ground garage." I said.

Ace laughed, but nodded in agreement. "I like her. She's definitely something." He said.

"Like, as like, a friend or..." I dragged on. Even if Angie wasn't gay, I don't think their personalities would mix well together.

"Obviously, a friend." He laughed. "And if I was attracted to her romantically, I'd probably get over it pretty quick, because, you know. She's gay." He said as if it wasn't an obvious fact.

I nodded, then as we walked past the first waterfall, I decided to ask him a bit more. "So, do you have a preference? I mean, with gender. Or do bi's not have preferences? Like, is that a thing? And I completely understand if you don't want to talk about it or anything. I know it's kind of a personal question." I rambled nervously.

"It's okay. I don't mind. And to answer your question, I do prefer boys." He said casually. "Oh, and I was also wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow? My family wants to meet you." He said chuckling. "Though, they can be a bit much, so I'd understand if you said no."

"No!" I shot out instantly. "I mean, no, I don't want to say no." I said quickly. He gave a confused look. "Yes. I would love that." I said.

I heard thunder roar. I looked up, and a second after, my face was getting splattered with rain.

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