Chapter Fifteen~ The Broken Ribs Poked My Lungs

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When I was younger my mother would tell my brothers and I stories of witches living in the forest behind my house. She'd say that the forest was full of monsters and creatures that would rip us to shreds if we breathed too heavy.

I asked my mom why the witches weren't afraid of the monsters.

She said that a witch should never be afraid of even the darkest forest. Because she should be sure in her soul that the most terrifying thing in the forest was her.

As I stood maybe twenty feet away from my dad, I knew that the most terrifying thing in the forest was him. And he revelled in the pride of being a witch.

This is rock bottom. When you have no where else to go and all your luck has ran dry. At one point or another, the world is going to crash down on you, and change your life forever.

Ace, has already been crushed by the world. It's my turn to get crushed. And of course, it's not enough for it to only affect me.

If I had only I had known this would happen, I would have said no. I would have told him that he couldn't ever love me. And now, when the world crashes down on me, he'll be crushed too.

It was never just about me. No matter what kind of tragic coincidence occurs, someone ends up dead. My mom, My sister's, caleb, Angie, Elle, Nia, or Ace. They're all going to get stabbed in the back by their pasts'. And it's going to be all my fault.

It's dark and nothing seems tangible. As though I could reach out my hand and make the world ripple like water, changing everything and sending everyone to a better world. A happier reality.

But that can't happen. Everyone is stuck in this world, in this reality. I can't save them. I can't stop the heartache from infecting everyone. I can't stop it.

All my father did was exist. And just that was enough to make my lungs collapse and turn my ribs to ash. He was a monster. And I let him loose on the streets. If I had just kept my mouth shut, everything would have been okay. Col and Odi would have gotten to grow up with a father. I would have too. Careine would have probably been adopted my Ace and his family. However, Angie's fate wouldn't have changed. She would have still ended up living in my house after getting kicked out.

So in the end would it even matter if the past changed? If nothing were to change in the future, than altering the past wouldn't matter either.

My father looked at me, chuckling. His eyes were the color of ice and smoke; a cold, foggy blue. Like the sky was covered in a blanket of storm clouds.

Ace stepped forward slowly, and I didn't want him to. I wanted him to stay in front of me. I wanted him to protect me. I didn't want to be alone, but I couldn't move.

Every nerve in my body tingled with adrenaline telling me to run. However, I had become a fossil, forever frozen in time.

"I tried." My dad chuckled. "God knows I tried! I tried so fucking hard!" He said his voice raising. Ace crept forward slowly. "I tried to raise my children in the eye of God. I even got to pick who I wanted the second try, and I made sure to pick the most obedient, respectful, child I could. I fought for this child. I had to give the court a reason to make me her father and not her foster parents." He took a step forward and looked down at Careine. "I refuse to screw it up again. I will fix you Careine. Let's go home right now." He reached out and grabbed her wrist tightly.

"No!" Careine cried trying to break free as he pulled her forward. She cried out in pain as he tightened his grip on her wrist.

Ace wrapped his arms around Careine's shoulders and pulled her towards him.

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