Chapter Nine~Don't Let Go

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*3008 words*

As I sat at the dinner table eating, I could feel eyes on me.

"What?" I snapped.

Mel flinched, Rachel averted her gaze, Dad gave me a questioning look, and Mom smiled.

"Your hair," She began. "It looks nice."

"Oh." I said running my hand over the braid. "Thanks. Eli did it." I said looking down at my plate.

"Wow." Rachel said. "I never thought I'd see that look on your face." She laughed.

"What look?" I asked.

"You know, the gentle smile, loving look in the eyes, and a very faint pink tint to your cheeks." She said smirking. "Smitten." She said in a sing-song voice.

"I will break you." I hissed my cheeks turning more red and taking my last bite of macaroni. I stood up and put my plate in the dishwasher before going upstairs. I flopped on my bed and groaned trying to smack some sense into my face. I'm not really the type to blush. I sighed and grabbed my phone. Eli, what have you done to me? I checked my phone, to find a message from Danny and Eli.

Danny: Hey! Want to hang out tomorrow? Go to that indoor rock climbing place tomorrow?

Me:I got school sry Danny

Danny: No you don't I checked the website teacher work day right?

I checked the website, and she was right.

Me: sure why not I'll invite Eli if it's okay

Danny: course! Just make sure he brings Angie too I like talking to her

Me:will do

I pulled up Eli's messages, and smiled.

Eli: had fun at work today

Me: ye me too

Eli: maybe I could teach you how to braid hair

Me: aw not why would I do that when I have you to do it for me?

Eli: hehe ye

Me: hey teacher work day tommorow, Danny and I are gonna go indoor rock climbing you and Angie wanna come?

Eli: sure! But I have therapy in the morning so the earliest I'm free is noon and I'll ask Angie

Me: kk that works, and hey maybe you could my hair again ;)

I couldn't help it, I liked it when he did my hair. He was gentle and asked me if it hurt or was uncomfortable. It was sweet, and that was enough for me to ignore it if it did hurt.

Eli:oh um ok ye sure and Angie said "Hell yeah!"

Me:great can you guys pick Danny and I up?

Eli:ye sure

Me:kk ttyl

Eli:ye ttyl

I set my phone down on my nightstand, and went downstairs, to find mom sitting on the couch with her phone to ear, worry painted over her face, she was trembling, and had mascara streaks down her cheeks.

"Mom?" I asked walking over and sitting down in front of her as she hung up the phone. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"

She wiped her face and smiled. "Cas is in the hospital again."

I sighed. "You're kidding, right?" I clenched my hand into a fist. "Of course she is. Don't worry Mom, she'll be okay. Promise." I gave her a quick hug and stood back up grabbing my backpack and heading upstairs.

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