Chapter Sixteen~Fire and Ice

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The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all.

The way it twists reality and shatters our perception of it amazes me sometimes. However, right now, it makes perfect sense. The world is pulling us all back together like magnets.

Ace grabbed my hand and yanked me up into his arms, holding me tightly, as though I would fly away if he let go. His head rested on my shoulder, and I forgot how to stand. He pulled away slowly, and as soon as his arms had fallen to hold my hand, Angie and Caleb barrelled into me, breaking the link between Ace and me.

Angie sobbed into my shoulder and gripped my shirt tightly as I rubbed her back.

Caleb let go, and threw a jacket over my head, after wiping his eyes. "C'mon, let's go home okay? Everyone else is waiting by the cars."

I nodded and Angie slowly but surely let her arms fall to her sides. She looked up at me and her eyes glistened neon green underneath the carnival lights.

I pulled on the jacket and flipped the hood over my head.

I noticed Annie and acknowledged her defensive stance and the head of hot pink hair asleep on her shoulder.

"Annie, do you want me to carry her?" Ace asked taking off his jacket.

She nodded, and Ace gently took her from around her back, moving her to his own back. Annie then took Ace's jacket and put it around Careine.

Ace began walking, Caleb and Angie were not too far behind.

I noticed Annie linger at the back of the group, her hair sticking to her face as the rain ran down her face.

I fell into step with her, the rain stifling my senses.

"I feel like I know you..." I asked quietly. "Am I crazy?"

"No, I suppose not. You do know me, but I wouldn't blame you if you didn't remember me much." She said. "It was a few years back. My foster brother at the time was in the hospital for chemo, and I had gone to visit him. You were there too." She brushed her bangs and pulled the jacket tighter around Careine.

"That's right," I said as the memory was pieced together in my head.

I sat in the NICU curled up in a rocking chair next to my sisters with my knees pulled up by me. They were tiny, born way earlier than they should have been. They were weak and frail and they were beautiful.

Caleb tapped my shoulder and handed me a soda. "Mom's asleep." He said.

I nodded. "Has Dad come by?" I asked.

Caleb shook his head. "No, his lawyer was the one who came to drop off the divorce papers."

"What about Odette and Colette?" I asked.

Caleb sighed. "Dad wants nothing to do with us. He's giving Mom full custody."

"I'm sorry. I realize that it is my fault you guys won't get to see Dad."

"Eli, remember that neither will you." Caleb reminded me. "You did a very brave thing. You were honest. It's his loss, not ours." Caleb paused. "I mean, who in their right mind would give us up? We're good kids- the best kids even. Seriously he's missing out on all our awesomeness." Caleb said elbowing me.

I smiled. "Thank you."

"Just remember, you're the man of the house now. So that means that if anything happens, we're going to need you."

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