Chapter Seventeen~Deja Vu

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I had never seen anyone as unsure as her. This young girl, with curly brown hair and frightened eyes stood in the doorway of my home. She wore a jeans and a tee-shirt, and she held onto her social worker tightly. Her knees were shaking, and her nails dug into the social workers hand.

Melany sat on the floor, peeking around the corner at her. I wondered what Mel was thinking. Mel didn't remember the accident the way we did. She was so young, and so innocent.

The first day back from the hospital, I remember Mom asking Mel to call everyone down for dinner. I was sitting with Rachel when Mel screamed for us. She called Rachel and I, but she also called for Sam. Rachel was reading a book in her beanbag chair, and when Mel called for Sam, Rachel dropped her book and covered her ears. Her eyes were wide and when I put my hand on her shoulder, she shrieked and slapped my hand away.

She still has moments like that, but it's been getting better since she started going to therapy. Mel understands that Sam isn't coming back, but I wonder if she understands that Sam is head.

I looked down at her, and her eyes swirled with the bright desire of curiosity.

"Ace, Melany," Mom chuckled looking at us. "There's no need to hide, come meet Careine. C'mon don't be shy kids," she said offering us an encouraging smile.

Melany's hand slowly pulled away from my arm, and she crawled off the stairs, before running to my mom and hiding behind her. She looked like a puppy. Curious about the world but also terrified of what it might be.

"Ace, come here love," Mom said smoothing down Melany's hair. "There's nothing to be afraid of, I promise."

I let go of the railing, and walked over to my mom, my stiff limbs clanking like wind chimes as I walked.

Leia purred and rubbed against my leg. I picked her up and cradled her like a baby, while petting her.

The little gasped, and ran up to me, before excitedly petting Leia. "Kitty!" She giggled nuzzling Leia.

It was odd to see Leia become so comfortable so quickly with someone new. But the way Leia leaned into her touch, and rubbed against her palm, made me think that maybe, this wouldn't be so bad.

Leia sniffed Careine, and nuzzled her way underneath Careine's arm, purring happily.

Careine was sound asleep, and as I watched her, I saw the way her grip on Annie's hand tightened, and how her lips pressed into a thin line. Her eyelids were shaking, and I couldn't help but see the same scared little girl from my childhood.

She was a curious one. The way her eyes grew wide with curiosity while she peeked around the stairs. I could tell she had questions. And I knew we had the answers, but still her legs trembled and she held onto the railing like a lifesaver. It's been a week, and she's barely said a word. Everyone has been trying to include her, but she isolates herself. And she always has this bittersweet, nostalgic look in her eyes. It made me wonder what it was that was made her look so sad.


"Would it kill you to smile?" Rachel asked Careine.

Careine had her eyes on the floor, and she held Leia tightly in her arms. What is Rachel talking about?

"I mean, come on," Rachel groaned. "Mom and Dad are trying their best here. And they're worried about you. I don't want my parents to worry. They already have enough to deal with, they don't need you worrying them on top of it all." She said. "Can't you just- I don't know- do it for them? And besides I'm worried t-"

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