Chapter One.

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September 12th, 2017 Anchorage Alaska

Dear Dairy,

I dreamt of her again. The faceless girl who haunts my dreams. I woke just before the conclusion again. Just once I would like to see if I am successful at saving her life. On an equally troubling note the pain in my stomach is growing more intense by the second. The restlessness has now morphed into a raw burning urgency to find her. I believe it may be the only way to make these pains stop. The problem is I haven't the first idea how to find a nameless, faceless girl. The only clue I have is the word Eden as it appears in every dream. I hear someone approaching so I must leave this here for now.

Yours Truly,
Brady Andrew

The sound of footsteps crunching in the snow outside my tent indicated my partner had returned early from the peace summit.
I would venture from the foot falls, she isn't alone. I barely had time to stash my battered journal before a gust of icy wind flooded into the tent.

"Brady?" Violet called. "Are you here?"

Violet is my partner, and my best friend. My only friend since Henry met his untimely demise twenty years back. I swung my legs over the edge of my cot and reluctantly stood.
"Where else would I be?" I answered. I would prefer to be in a warm cozy hotel room surrounded by modern conveniences but I made a promise so here I am deep in the woods.
I promised Violet to act as backup if the need arises, had everything gone sideways already? I tilted my head to the left.

"What are YOU doing here?" I asked.

The peace summits typically last a minimum of three days. Today marks the beginning of day two. Violet held a finger out indicating I should wait.
She ducked her head outside the tent. "You're to wait here." Her words cracked like a whip. She took a step back allowing the flap to close.

Violet met my curious gaze. "Okay, so don't go all Brady on me." She flashed a nervous smile. "This is all on me."

I really don't like the way she said 'It was all on her' it left to much open to my imagination. The other alternative is something has gone terribly wrong.
A peace summit is a gathering of leaders from the four main fractions. Each fraction is a unique species who generally live in secret on this planet.
The purpose of the summit is to sign a peace treaty. A measure put in place to keep fractions from killing each other or members of their own party.
Violet is attempting to conduct the summit all on her own. This element alone has a real possibility of creating a chaotic atmosphere to an already delicate environment.

"What happened?" I sighed.

Violet did her whole tongue to cheek expression, which told me I wasn't going to like what follows.

"You know how the council sent new guards along?" She asked. I gave a quick nod. One of them started a brawl with a couple of Lycanthrope."

It was not an ideal situation but not bad enough we couldn't rebound. The wolves are a moody bunch but are easy to please.
We could smooth all this over with a few extended territory lines. The other fractions will be satisfied by the punishment of the offending guard.

Violet bit her lip. "Oh. An Enchantress may have intervened by turning said Lycanthrope into well...puppies."

I sat down on the edge of my cot with a whoosh. Now she's needs to worry about me going all "me" on her.
We just shot right past defcon bad straight into catastrophically horrific.
At this point if we have any hope in salvaging this summit. I have to take over the assignment from Violet.

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