Chapter Twenty-one.

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The night air was cool and the sky was black but for a few random stars. "How do you manage to keep it together around them?" Bailey asked. I looked out over the water. "Who are you talking about?" She gave me a playful shove.

"Cut the crap. I know you got a thing for Abby." For a second I thought about protesting her claim but what is the sense in all that when it's undeniably true.

"Until now it's been fairly easy. Of course I've only just begun to admit my feelings." She made fish lips at me. I could help but to laugh. "We were supposed to tell her parents about us tonight." I confessed. "Guess that's not happening now."

Now it was Bailey's turned to laugh. "Yeah. I guess not." Bailey sat on the edge of the dock. She let her feet dangle over the water. "You're pretty broken." She declared.

I also decided not to deny this claim either. As it is as true as the first. I am broken in every way a man-or whatever I am-can be broken. Bailey leaned against my shoulder.

"I was once before in love-a long time ago." I explained. "She was everything to me but that didn't stop me from letting her down in the worst way possible. She is dead today because I failed to be the man she needed me to be." I admitted.

"What happened?" Bailey whispered. "You can trust me Brady." I had only ever shared this story with two people but maybe it was time to share it with someone else.

"I did not protect her when she needed me too." I replied. "She fell into the water over there and cracked her head on a rock and died." I finished. "I will not fail Abby. I can't."

The front door swung open. Vince stepped out tugging Abby behind him. "I trust you will remember who you belong too? I wouldn't want force my Dad to out you as my murder." He threatened.

"I already told you. If you leave Brady alone, I will do whatever you ask of me." Abby retorted. "It doesn't mean I have to like it though." She fired back at him.

He forcibly planted a kiss on her lips then opened the door. "Go back to the party. I will call you later. Do not make me wait again or else." He warned. She nodded and went back inside.

Vince walked over to his car pushing buttons on his cell as he went. "Hey it's me." He said into the receiver. There was a brief pause. "Everything went better than planned. Brady does not know what hit him." He stated.

Bailey and I exchanged a worried glance. Vince opened his car door. "I am on my way. See you in a couple." Vince climbed into his car tossing the phone into a cup holder. We watched silently as his engine roared to life.

Bailey leaned over. "I didn't like the sound of that. I am going to follow him and see if there is anything to it. Cover for me." She dashed off into the woods.

I knew she would use a transport spell to follow him. I went back into the house and rejoined the group in the living room. They had settled in to watch a movie. Abby seeing me enter the room smiled and motioned for me to come sit next to her on the couch. I wish she didn't looks so happy to see me.

It was a poorly written comedy so Abby and I spent the majority of time making fun of the plot line and talking about Foster proposal. Midway through the second movie-another bad comedy-Bailey returned. She nodded for me to come from the door way.

I quietly excused myself and slipped out. Bailey didn't stop until we were in the kitchen. She whipped out her phone and pulled up a picture of Vince with a girl who looked vaguely familiar but she had her back to the camera.

Bailey flipped to the next picture. My breathing accelerated. "He is cheating on Abby?" The picture showed Vince locked in a kiss with the girl. She hopped up on the counter.

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