Chapter Twelve.

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I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and dialed Natalia. She answered on the second ring. "Brady is something wrong?" She asked. I ducked into the men's room.

"Funny you should ask. Can you explain why a seven hundred year old English teacher just threatened to crush me if I did not stay away from Abby?" I huffed into the phone.

There was a brief period of dead air. "Maxwell Mulley." Natalia growled. "Henry gave me the impression he and the other circle members had moved on from the area." She finished.

Natalia gave me an excuse not an explanation. I don't care if she was told these circle members moved to Antarctica. Hold up. I replayed the sentence in my head. She did say circle members.

"The last circle was decommissioned years ago on your mothers orders so what is really going on here Natalia." I demanded. I am not going to play the guessing game with her today.

She laughed. "Don't be so naïve Brady. When one circle ends a new one automatically forms. We are talking about old magic. It cannot be eradicated despite my mother wishes."

"How are Henry and Maxwell connected." I fired back.

Natalia sighed. "Henry is leader of the beloved circle."

My breathing ceased. This is so much bigger than I realized. Natalia does not want Henry to know we are here because she is interfering in circle business. The circle does not want guardians involved with Abby because they are anti-council.

"This changes everything." I shook my head.

Violet was right. We cannot trust Natalia. "It changes nothing." There was a brief silence. "Just stick to the plan. Abby is what matters not imagined loyalty to an old friend." She ordered.

Natalia is out of her mind if she believes my decisions are based on loyalty. "We cannot defend ourselves against a circle attack. We are good but even guardians have limits." I reasoned.

An attack of such magnitude would require the assistance of the entire guard. I could hear nails strumming across wood on the other end of the phone as she thought of her next move.

"Do not make any rash decisions until you hear from me again. Keep an eye on Abby and I'll be in touch soon." Natalia spoke meticulously before she disconnected the call.

The one luxury you do not have when dealing with a circle is time. I placed a call to Violet and directed her to meet me at Mel's with Foster within the hour.

I would have preferred to have this conversation at the cabin but under the circumstances it may not be the safest place to talk openly about Natalia.

Abby was leaning against a locker when I came down the stairs. "Hey Brady. I owe you an apology." She said as I approached. "I kind of jumped to the wrong conclusion. Can you forgive me?"

"You owe me nothing." I replied. Chloe is the one who should be apologizing anyhow. "Violet may have left the wrong impression by her response last night." I offered.

Abby bit down on her lower lip. "Thank you. It doesn't excuse my poor behavior especially in class. Let me make it up to you by treating you to dinner tonight."

She had peaked my interest. "What did you have in mind?"

"The juiciest burgers in all of Alabama. The greasiest fries on this side of Athena Mountain and a milkshake so thick and sweet it will give you a toothache." Abby grinned. "I can be at Mel's by six o'clock. What do you say?"

How can I say no after that? Mr. Mulley warning played in my head. "I might not be able to make it tonight." I admitted. The grin on her lips faded. "How about I call you if I can make it and we can set a time then." I suggested.

The Roswell Coven: Circle of Terra Where stories live. Discover now