Chapter Twenty-Six.

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Foster took a calculated step towards Vince. I reach out my hand to grab Foster by the arm. He pivoted around me his eyes locked on his target. I have to stop him before Vince's blood is splatter all over the forest trees.

"Foster Bach you will halt." I ordered. I stared in disbelief as he came to a stop. Violet moved to his side and spoke gently into his ear. A moment later he relaxed his hands.

Abby wiped her face clear of tears. "What changed?" She laughed a on the verge of crying laugh. "How about I just watched my sister kill my parents. I know it was you blackmailing me and threatening the people I love." She screamed at him.

She pointed at his chest. "So yeah Vince. We are done here. Now leave me alone forever and I will promise to do the same for you as well." Abby turned her back on him.

Abby marched into the center of a triangle of trees so no matter where people were gather they would still be able to her what she had to say. "My parents died tonight because they believed saving me would somehow save all of you. I am not about to let them die in vain." She shouted.

A group that had been standing on the other side of the shed moved around to the front to watch. Abby made eye contact with each circle member. She glanced over at me briefly.

"Now I cannot stand here and say I know anything about Vampires or wolves. I have a lot to learn about being enchantress. I am not sure what role Angels play or what a shield is exactly."

Abby smiled at Chloe. "What I can say to each of you is I am willing to learn if you are willing to teach me. I will do whatever it takes to make sure Laurel pays for what she did tonight. I will make this world safe." She pledged.

A murmur broke out in the crowd. I looked at Abby with a renewed sense of amazement. This beautiful girl with every reason in the world to give up is doing what I could not when faced with loss and tragedy. Abby is fighting back.

Foster was the first to step into the center with Abby. Violet followed right behind him. When I stepped in, all the circle members came with me. Bailey came in next but her second a girl named Rochelle walked away.

"This is what I am talking about." Troy grinned. "Sage and I are with you all the way to the end." He declared. Sage broke free of Chloe to join her alpha in the center.

Chloe argued with her brother Jason. "Sasha, my mother and true leader is not here to make this call so the shield's will decline at this time." He stated. Chloe pouted.

Ethan broke off from them. "You don't speak for me. I will join this cause. Henry was a good man and loyal friend." He stepped into the center with the rest of us.

"All of you are fools." Titus ranted. Mia smiled as she ignored her leader and joined us. "Apparently so am I." He grumbled as he too stepped into the center.

John walked up to the edge of the group and stopped.

I could see inside he was struggling with the decision. Mrs. Baker broke through the edge of the forest with a smile. John nodded to her as she stepped into the center and embraced Abby.

"I release you from obligation to the circle." Mrs. Baker spoke directly to John. "As you can no longer serve as an impartial member of the circle of terra. Go now be with your children."

John bowed his head. "Thank you. I will lend aid if you are need but I cannot join this fight. My loyalty must remain with my children and my wife." He glanced at Abby. "I am sorry."

He gathered Jason and Chloe before he fled into the woods. Tears formed in the corner of Abby's eyes. She swallowed it back and remained in command.

Vince shook his head in disgust. "This is not what your mother wanted for you." He screamed at Abby. "She wanted you to be normal. Natalia wanted you to be human but what are you doing instead? You're spiting on her memory while the rest of them dance on her grave."

Bailey flicked her wrist at him. A dog muzzle wrapped around his face effectively quieting him. I bit down on my tongue to keep from laughing out loud as someone clapped and cheered.

Abby did not find this move funny. "Release him." She said calmly. Bailey flicked her wrist again and the muzzle was gone. She shot him a warning look before stalking over to me.

"I will give you one more chance to walk away." Abby warned. She looked at him with sad eyes. "Do not pushing me or so help me Vince you will regret it." There was something in her voice that gave me the sense those words were a doubled-sided sword.

"This is not over." Vince insisted as he backed away.

I grinned at him in victory. "For you, Vince it is." I turned my head. "Mia. Can you purify him and return him to a normal human state? Is it possible to undo what magic has done to him?"

Mia stepped forward. She stared at him for what seemed like hours but was only roughly two minutes. She walked up slowly to him and placed her hand over his chest.

A white lite flowed out her finger into his chest as it did with me back in the lobby of the hotel. When she finished Mia stepped back into the group along side me.

"Now we're finished." I stated.

Vince retreated into the woods without looking back. I never did find out the link between Natalia, Vince, and my brother Joseph. I may never find out and I am okay with that. There is only one thing I will concern myself with now and that's Abby.

I looked around at the group of misfits surround me. We are an unlikely bunch of creature but we are the ones who will fight to save the world. Abby leaned against my chest.

"I am ready to go home now." She whispered.

My heart fluttered. "I will lead the way."

"Brady?" She whispered between yawns. "Carry me."

I swooped her up in my arms. She laid her head on my shoulder. A smile spread across her lips as her eyes fluttered then closed. I kissed the top the of her head. "Sleep my angel sleep." I whispered in her ear. I will protect you.

"Always." She whispered.

"For all of time." I answered.

The End.....for now.

The Roswell Coven: The Circle of Mage coming soon.

The Roswell Coven: Circle of Terra Where stories live. Discover now